Major Cornell University donor calls for college president to resign, DEI policies to end

 January 25, 2024

Critics contend that the diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs conducted by many corporations and universities have led to more discrimination and worse outcomes.

One of them is Jon Lindseth, who has long been a major donor to Cornell University. In a recent letter, Lindseth made clear that he won't be a victim of DEI and is calling on the school's president to resign. 

Donor "alarmed by the diminished quality of education"

"It is my opinion that Cornell must abandon its misguided commitment to DEI because it has yielded not excellence but disgrace," the Washington Examiner quoted Lindseth as stating.

"I am alarmed by the diminished quality of education offered lately by my alma mater because of its disastrous involvement with DEI policies that have infiltrated every part of the university," he continued.

"I can no longer make general contributions until the university reformulates its approach to education by replacing DEI groupthink with the original noble intent of Cornell," the wealthy benefactor warned.

What's more, Lindseth also insisted that his demand for university president Martha Pollack to step down be included in the agenda of an emergency board meeting scheduled for Friday.

Demand that all DEI programs and staff go

"The failure to address a request for Board engagement in this long overdue discussion about the future direction of Cornell is another symptom of the moral rot that has infiltrated all of the Ivy Universities," he complained.

In addition to calling for Pollack's resignation, Lindseth went on to argue that provost Michael Kotlikoff needs to go as well.

He also demanded that Cornell ditch all DEI staff and programs and adopt policies put forward by the Cornell Free Speech Alliance policies.

Further, Lindseth wants the university to abide by a Supreme Court decision banning affirmative action, end its bias reporting system, and have all new leadership to sign a free speech pledge.

Trustee board chair defends president

Finally, Lindseth insists that the proposed "Cornell Center for Racial Justice" should be canceled, declaring, "There is no racial justice with DEI."

"The damage we have seen inflicted upon Cornell’s reputation and academic standing by the current administration grieves me and necessitates a truly comprehensive shift in leadership and priorities to put Cornell back on the path towards academic excellence," Lindseth said as he drew to a close.

Lindseth's attack on Pollack was not well received by Kraig H. Kayser, who chairs the board of trustees of trustees at Cornell.

Kayser provided a statement to the Examiner which read, "For nearly seven years, I have strongly supported President Pollack, and that support remains strong today."

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