Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has downgraded 60% of felony cases

 February 20, 2024

Former President Donald Trump has frequently accused Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg of being soft on crime. Newly released figures suggest that Trump's criticism is accurate. 

The Daily Mail reported this past weekend that data from Bragg's own office show he has downgraded 60% of felony cases to lesser charges.

Bragg is less likely to pursue felony cases and prosecute suspects than predecessor

The paper noted that this number represents a seven-point increase over that of his predecessor, Cyrus Vance Jr., who downgraded 53% of felony charges.

What's more, whereas Vance declined to prosecute 9% of suspects who were arrested, Bragg's tenure has seen the total grow to 14%

Bragg has also long been a vocal defender of New York's catch and release approach when it comes to bail for accused criminals.

Further, the district attorney issued a memo shortly after taking office in which he instructed prosecutors to only seek prison time for defendants in the most extreme cases.

Critics slam district attorney for going after Trump while ignoring street crime

Meanwhile, critics like former NYPD Inspector Alison Esposito have slammed Bragg for prosecuting Trump while choosing to leave violent street crime unaddressed.

"My city is in peril right now," Esposito told Fox News late last year. "Alvin Bragg literally got on national media, national news and said that he cannot, we cannot and will not normalize serious criminal conduct."

"He has spent every single day in office doing nothing but normalizing serious criminal conduct," the former law enforcement officer complained.

Interestingly, Fox News reported late last week that Bragg uncharacteristically sought a hefty bail amount for a group of illegal migrants who were seen attacking police.

Illegal migrants rearrested after fleeing to California following no-bail release

The incident took place late last month and involved at least seven men who brutally beat up a pair of NYPD officers close to Times Square.

That led to the arrest of 19-year-old Darwin Andres Gomez-Izquiel, 19-year-old Kelvin Servita Arocha, 21-year-old Wilson Omar Juarez-Aguilarte, and 24-year-old Yorman Reveron.

Despite this, all four of the accused were later turned loose without bail and then fled to California before subsequently being recaptured. Three additional suspects, 22-year-old Jhoan Boada, 21-year-old Jandry Barros, and 24-year-old Yohenry Brito, have since been arrested in connection with the attack.

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