Marjorie Taylor Greene introduces impeachment articles against FBI director

 May 17, 2023

Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene made headlines this week when she introduced articles of impeachment against FBI Director Christopher Wray. 

According to the Washington Examiner, Greene announced her intention to remove Wray via a statement on Twitter.

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"I just introduced articles of impeachment against FBI Director Christopher Wray," the Republican congresswoman declared on Tuesday.

"Under his watch, the FBI has intimidated, harassed, [and] entrapped Americans who have been deemed enemies of the Biden regime," she continued.

"Wray has turned the FBI into Joe Biden and Merrick Garland's personal police force," the Georgia congresswoman asserted before adding, "Christopher Wray needs to be impeached."

"It is unacceptable for the Director of the FBI or any civil officer to exercise his power in a way that targets one political class while doing favors for the other," Greene's statement read.

Wray question after FBI memo proposed investigating Catholics

"Therefore, by the powers vested in Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene as a duly elected Member of the House of Representatives, she is officially introducing Articles of Impeachment against the corrupt FBI Director Christopher Wray."

FBI Director Christopher Wray has long faced criticism from conservative lawmakers over what they say is politicization of the justice system.

An example came earlier this month when the New York Post reported that House Judiciary Committee Jim Jordan sent Wray a letter following the discovery of an FBI memo which proposed investigating Catholics for possible extremism.

"This shocking information reinforces our need for all responsive documents, and the Committee is issuing a subpoena to you to compel your full cooperation," Jordan was quoted as saying.

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What's more, Greene's impeachment push comes in the wake of Special Counsel John Durham's report, which was released on Monday.

It contains shocking facts on how the FBI's operated during the 2016 election, with Fox News noting that the FBI used a "markedly different" approach in the way it dealt with former President Donald Trump's campaign versus that of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

That included briefing Clinton campaign staffers on potential threats while ignoring "a trusted foreign source" who said the Clinton camp would use misinformation "to vilify Trump by tying him to Vladimir Putin" so as to draw attention away from her email scandal.

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