Mark Zuckerberg's immigration lobby admits defeat in amnesty push

 December 22, 2022

Mark Zuckerberg's pro-immigration lobby has admitted defeat in its effort to pressure Congress to grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants before the end of the year, calling the "extremely unlikely" probability of passage "entirely unacceptable." 

Lawmakers in both parties have pushed immigration bills in the final days of the current Congress, but none have gained traction.

Zuck admits amnesty defeat

The most high-profile bill offered amnesty to 2 million "dreamers," who are protected from deportation by President Obama's DACA policy, in exchange for border security funding and extending President Trump's Title 42 policy, which allows illegal immigrants to be expelled without a chance to claim asylum.

The expiration of Title 42, which was expected Wednesday before the Supreme Court intervened, is widely anticipated to bring an unprecedented surge of illegal immigrants to the border that could completely overwhelm the system.

That grim scenario hasn't deterred pro-open borders groups like from demanding more immigration. The group blasted America's "failure" in an angry statement on the collapse of the "dreamer" deal backed by Democrat-turned-Independent Kyrsten Sinema (AZ) and Republican Thom Tillis (NC)

"This is terrible, entirely unacceptable, and devastating — for our entire country, but more acutely for the two million people and their millions of family members who are being failed by this country," the group said.

Tech visa bill falters

Congress also failed to take up the EAGLE Act, another high priority for and Silicon Valley tech firms seeking cheap, high-skilled foreign labor.

The bill would have removed the per-country caps on employment-based visas, which critics say would reward predominantly Indian tech workers who, because they hold a disproportionate share of H-1B guest visas, are waiting in massive lines for green cards.

The reliance on H-1B visas in tech has been likened to a form of indentured servitude, as workers stay in the U.S. at the pleasure of their employers and are typically paid lower wages than American citizens. But hailed the EAGLE Act as a boon to the economy as well as a moral necessity.

"Millions of people are stuck in these backlogs, waiting decades longer than others to receive green cards for which they’ve already been approved, all because of their country of origin," the group said.

Try again next year?

But the EAGLE act faltered after pushback from, ironically, Democrats who said it would shut out immigrants from outside of India and China.

"This legislation comes up short in my estimation and I cannot support efforts that would perpetuate the current inequalities in our immigration system. I believe we can do better," Democrat Yvette Clarke (NY) said.

Democrats had also pushed for a "dreamer" amnesty to be included in the year-end $1.7 trillion "omnibus" boondoggle, but that failed, too.

With Republicans taking over the House in January, Democrats will have a narrower path to passing Biden's sweeping amnesty, which he has billed as the solution to a "broken" system that Biden says he inherited. But Biden is already plotting to make another immigration push next year, Axios reports.

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