Disney's Marvel star Jonathan Majors dropped by studio following conviction for misdemeanor assault and harassment of ex-girlfriend

 December 19, 2023

The career of Hollywood actor and Disney's Marvel star Jonathan Majors appears to have hit a substantial stumbling block following the conclusion of a criminal trial in New York City, if not be over altogether.

A jury found Majors guilty of two misdemeanor counts of assault and harassment but acquitted him of other more serious charges of assault and aggravated harassment, according to Fox News.

Those charges pressed by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg were brought against Majors following a physical conflict in March between the actor and his then-girlfriend, Grace Jabbari, that stemmed from an argument about their relationship.

Found guilty of misdemeanor assault and harassment

Majors and Jabbari are reported to have engaged in a physical conflict in March inside and next to an SUV after the girlfriend allegedly caught the actor receiving text messages from another woman and snatched his phone away from him, prompting him to use force to seize his phone back from her.

He is alleged to have hit the back of her head, twisted and injured her arm and fingers, and picked her up and thrown her back into the SUV after their argument spilled out onto the street.

Following the jury's split verdict, Manhattan D.A. Bragg said in a statement, "At the Manhattan D.A.’s Office, we are committed to centering survivors in all of our work. The evidence presented throughout this trial illustrated a cycle of psychological and emotional abuse, and escalating patterns of coercion far too common across the many intimate partner violence cases we see each and every day."

"Today, a jury determined that pattern of abuse and coercion culminated with Mr. Majors assaulting and harassing his girlfriend. We thank the jury for its service and the survivor for bravely telling her story despite having to relive her trauma on the stand," he added.

Attorneys offer differing takes on trial outcome

Unsurprisingly, according to Fox News, Majors' defense attorney Priya Chaudry had a different view of the jury's verdict, and said in a statement, "It is clear that the jury did not believe Grace Jabbari’s story of what happened in the SUV because they found that Mr. Majors did not intentionally cause any injuries to her. We are grateful for that."

"We are disappointed, however, that despite not believing Ms. Jabbari, the jury nevertheless found that Mr. Majors was somehow reckless while she was attacking him," she added. "Mr. Majors is grateful to God, his family, his friends, and his fans for their love and support during these harrowing eight months. Mr. Majors still has faith in the process and looks forward to fully clearing his name."

Still another take on the outcome of the trial came from Jabbari's attorney, Brittany Henderson, who said that "justice was finally served today" following the announced verdict, according to ABC News.

"Grace did not choose to be in this situation. The choice that she made was to stand up for what was right following Mr. Majors’s arrest in March of this year," Henderson said. "Grace has been publicly attacked as a result of her courage to testify to the truth, but her unwavering resolve to see this case through to the end was borne out of her desire to give other survivors similar courage when justice requires."

"Grace’s strength and unrelenting perseverance allowed the jury system to work the way that it should. Today shows that nobody, no matter how powerful they may seem, is above the law," the attorney added. "Grace hopes that this verdict deters future similar conduct and empowers other survivors to take the witness stand to ensure accountability."

Majors dropped by Disney's Marvel studio

ABC News further reported that Majors is scheduled to be sentenced on Feb. 6 and faces the unlikely prospect of up to two years in prison. The judge also renewed an existing order of protection that bars the actor from making any contact with his ex-girlfriend.

Majors first launched his acting career in 2011 and has nearly two dozen credits to his name but is arguably most famous for his various portrayals of the villain Kang in Marvel movies and TV shows, and had been set to reprise that role in multiple future productions until Disney announced that Majors had been dropped by the studio just hours after the verdict was revealed.

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