McCarthy calls Gaetz 'psychotic'

 December 16, 2023

Outgoing U.S. Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) just called U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) "psychotic." 

McCarthy, according to Fox News, did so while speaking to reporters on Thursday.

This comes as McCarthy is about to retire from Congress. McCarthy announced his retirement in a Wall Street Journal op-ed that was published earlier this month.

The op-ed came after McCarthy was ousted from the House speakership position. Gaetz played a large role in making this happen, just as Gaetz was one of those House Republicans who initially tried to prevent a McCarthy speakership.

The bad blood continues to boil

McCarthy never really has held back his criticism of Gaetz, and the remarks that McCarthy made to reporters on Thursday are no exception.

Speaking about Gaetz, McCarthy said, "He was psychotic," adding, "People study that type of crazy mind, right? Mainly the FBI."

If you have been following the McCarthy-Gaetz feud, then this sort of language will come as no real surprise.

Just last month, during an interview with Politico, McCarthy went so far as to say that Gaetz "belongs in jail," although McCarthy did not elaborate on what it is that Gaetz ought to be in jail for.

McCarthy told the outlet, "You have a cross-section [of lawmakers]. You have [Rep. Matt] Gaetz, who belongs in jail, and you have serious members."

Gaetz' response

In response to McCarthy's claim that Gaetz ought to be in jail, Gaetz said, "Tough words from a guy who sucker punches people in the back. The only assault I committed was against Kevin’s fragile ego."

At the time of this writing, Gaetz has not responded to McCarthy's latest claim that Gaetz is "psychotic."

McCarthy is expected to retire from his congressional seat at the end of this month. It is not exactly clear what he intends to do next, but he did say that, in part, he intends to continue helping to get Republicans elected.

McCarthy, in his op-ed, wrote:

I know my work is only getting started. I will continue to recruit our country’s best and brightest to run for elected office. The Republican Party is expanding every day, and I am committed to lending my experience to support the next generation of leaders.

In some ways, Gaetz's future remains as unclear as McCarthy's. In addition to the fact that he is facing an ethics complaint, Gaetz has also received much criticism - not to mention enemies - for his handling of the McCarthy situation.

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