McCarthy says federal indictment of anti-Biden witness makes case against Biden family 'stronger'

 July 14, 2023

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) argued Thursday that the recent federal indictment of a "potential witness" against the Biden family actually strengthens the ongoing House Republican probes of the president's family rather than undermine them, Breitbart reported.

That is because the would-be whistleblower has been criminally charged for his dealings with the same Chinese Communist Party-linked energy firm that previously partnered with and paid millions of dollars to multiple Biden family members over the years.

Indictment issued

On Monday, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York unveiled an eight-count federal indictment against Dr. Gal Luft, an Israeli-American dual citizen who operated a foreign policy think tank in Maryland and is now a fugitive following an initial indictment in November 2022 and arrest in Cyprus in February, after which he skipped bail while awaiting extradition to the U.S.

Luft, who faces up to 100 years in prison if convicted and given maximum sentences on all counts, is primarily charged with acting as an unregistered foreign agent on behalf of a "Chinese energy company" -- identified separately as CEFC China Energy Co., the same company that Hunter Biden was closely associated with for several years, also without having registered as a foreign agent.

The wanted man is also alleged to have attempted to broker illicit arms deals between China and other countries and other deals involving sanctioned Iranian oil. He is further alleged to have made false statements to federal investigators.

"It only made the case stronger"

On Thursday, CNN reporter Manu Raju asked Speaker McCarthy about the indictment of an "informant" -- Luft, who has been trying to share what he knows about the Biden family's corrupt influence-peddling with Congress -- that House Republicans have "promoted" and whether that indictment undermines their case against the Biden family.

In reply, McCarthy said, "No, it wouldn’t undermine the case because you extrapolate that even further." He added, "The Justice Department went after [Luft] while Hunter Biden received more money from the same foreign CEFC company than this informant did. Much more. So it only made the case stronger that the government really didn’t look into Hunter Biden."

Fugitive speaks out

The New York Post reportedly exclusively last week on a 14-minute video it received of Luft from an undisclosed location in which he explained how he had first attempted to share what he knows of the Biden family's foreign dealings with the FBI and Justice Department in 2019 but was ignored and is now targeted by the same investigators and prosecutors.

In fact, Luft alleged that his February arrest in Cyprus had been conveniently timed to block him from testifying before the Republican-led House Oversight Committee.

"I, who volunteered to inform the U.S. government about a potential security breach and about compromising information about a man vying to be the next president, am now being hunted by the very same people who I informed -- and may have to live on the run for the rest of my life," he said in the video.

Biden family deeply involved with China's CEFC

Now House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) is calling on FBI Director Chris Wray to turn over an unredacted copy of all of the information received from Luft during the 2019 meeting as part of the committee's continuing investigation of President Joe Biden and his family's corrupt foreign business dealings and influence-peddling.

In Comer's letter to Wray, he noted how Democrats and the media were avoiding the obvious CEFC connection between Luft and Hunter Biden and wrote, "This is the same Chinese company that paid the Biden family and their business associates significant amounts of money, as disclosed in detail in bank records memoranda released by the Committee."

"Additionally, the Bidens formed a partnership with CEFC, and an email indicates Joe Biden and Hunter Biden intended to share office space with CEFC in the United States," the chairman added. "Any criticism of Luft reflects the type of people who partnered with CEFC and accepted money from the corrupt Chinese company—this includes the Biden family. It would be negligent for the Committee not to attempt to speak with a cooperator directly involved with CEFC."

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