Melania Trump decries censorship of the former president in video promoting new memoir

 September 10, 2024

Former first lady Melania Trump is a famously private and quiet person whose voice nonetheless carries weight and demands attention when she chooses to speak publicly on a topic.

In a recent video message, Melania spoke out about the dire consequences of the last election and highlighted the dangerous partisan censorship that has attempted to silence her husband, former President Donald Trump, according to the Independent.

The message was posted to promote her eponymously titled new memoir that has not yet been released but is already for sale on her website.

Melania speaks out against "the efforts to silence my husband"

In a video message posted to X on Sunday, Melania Trump narrated over text, "The 2020 election results changed our lives forever."

"It impacted our quality of life, cost of food, gasoline, safety, and even the geopolitical landscape," the former first lady continued.

"America is more divided today than ever before," the former first lady added. "It has become increasingly apparent that there are significant challenges to free speech, as demonstrated by the efforts to silence my husband."

The Independent suggested that what Melania was referring to with the line about the "efforts to silence my husband" were the gag orders he has faced in multiple court cases, which have limited his ability to speak freely about some of the circumstances and context surrounding those cases.

What the outlet ignored but was likely also implied in Melania's message was the actual censorship and deplatforming that the former president has endured from Democrat-aligned mainstream media outlets and social media platforms for several years now.

Melania wants to "clarify the facts" amid constant "misrepresentation"

In a separate video posted on X last week, Melania Trump said, "Writing this memoir has been a deeply personal and reflective journey for me."

"As a private person who has often been the subject of public scrutiny and misrepresentation, I feel a responsibility to clarify the facts," she added. "I believe it is important to share my perspective -- the truth."

Books for sale

The Independent reported that Melania Trump's self-titled memoir is scheduled for release on Sept. 24 but can be pre-ordered on the former first lady's website for $40, with a signed copy selling for $75 while a bonus issue packed with photos can be purchased for $250.

The book is described as providing an "intimate portrait of a woman who has lived an extraordinary life," and in previously promoting the new release, Melania said in an X post, "May your experience reading my book be as enjoyable as the writing process was for me."

Just a few weeks before that, former President Trump will release a new book of his own titled "Save America," which is a coffee table-style book full of pictures of his first term in office and prior campaigns that will retail for $99, with special signed copies going for $400.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson