Melania Trump absent so far from RNC

 July 17, 2024

At least as of the time of writing, Melania Trump has yet to appear at America's Republican National Convention. Like everything the Trump family does, the liberal media tried to twist this into some kind of proof that things are not well in the Trump family.

America should know by now that the supposed conflict between members of the Trump clan is nothing but fake news made up by liberals in America who want to see the family fail.

Melania Trump has consistently stood by her husband since he started his career in politics. Despite how much liberals want there to be problems between the couple, Melania and Donald remain happily married.

Melania absent from RNC

Melania Trump not appearing at the RNC has been front page news, but it really shouldn't be. It's not surprising that Melania Trump might not be at this event.

America's former First Lady definitely supports her husband, she isn't taking a break from her marriage. She's taking a break from the cesspool of corruption that is American politics.

Think about it, what incentive does Melania Trump have to put herself in the public eye these days? The position of First Lady is largely a figurative one, so Melania shouldn't have to participate fully in the role if she doesn't want to.

Melania has already come out and said that there's no way she'd be staying at the White House full time if Donald won the presidency in November 2024. She's been open and honest about her desire to spend less time in politics and more time with her family, so why should we expect her to participate in the Republican National Convention?

Days after Trump shot in Pennsylvania

Perhaps some people are expecting Melania to be at her husband's side because Donald was shot just two days before the convention started. However, Donald getting shot seems to provide just as much justification for staying out of politics as it does for getting more involved.

Melania Trump never asked to be an American political figure, so why would she make herself more visible now that she knows how much some people are willing to do to stop her family? Melania probably doesn't want her husband putting himself in harm's way, but she can't make decisions for him.

All Melania can do is take care of herself and her family the best way she knows how. Right now she's focusing less on her politics and more on her son and other family members.

Melania shouldn't be getting criticized for making that decision, she should be receiving applause. Donald getting shot had a huge impact on Melania, and we shouldn't be expecting her to expose herself to more than she's comfortable with right now.

America's former First Lady put out a statement shortly after her husband was shot during his campaign event in Pennsylvania:

"America, the fabric of our gentle nation is tattered, but our courage and common sense must ascend and bring us back together as one," she began. "A monster who recognized my husband as an inhuman political machine attempted to ring out Donald's passion – his laughter, ingenuity, love of music and inspiration."

"This morning, ascend above the hate, the vitriol, and the simple-minded ideas that ignite violence," Melania continued.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson