Members of the House Oversight Committee will inspect the subpoenaed Biden document

 June 9, 2023

On Thursday, members of the House Oversight Committee will view a subpoenaed document related to the committee's investigation into President Joe Biden and his family.

A committee spokesperson told the Washington Examiner that committee members will begin examining the FBI's FD-1023 form on the alleged Biden criminal conspiracy between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Thursday in a secure location, as The Washington Examiner.

The document, which nearly resulted in FBI Director Christopher Wray being charged with contempt of Congress, will also be made available the following week for members who are unavailable on Thursday.

Wray consented to allow committee chairman James Comer (R-KY) and ranking member Jamie Raskin (D-MD) to view the document in a secure chamber where classified information is viewed without the use of technology.

Comer's Statement

“After weeks of refusing to even admit the FD-1023 record exists, the FBI has caved and is now allowing all members of the Oversight and Accountability Committee to review this unclassified record that memorializes a confidential human source’s conversations with a foreign national who claimed to have bribed then-Vice President Joe Biden,” Comer said.

“Americans have lost trust in the FBI’s ability to enforce the law impartially and demand answers, transparency, and accountability,” Comer went on. \

“Allowing all Oversight Committee members to review this record is an important step toward conducting oversight of the FBI and holding it accountable to the American people.

“Let’s be clear: The allegations contained within this record are not closed as the White House and Democrats would have the American people believe. Former Attorney General [Bill] Barr confirmed this information was sent to the U.S. Attorney in Delaware for further investigation, and the FBI has confirmed it is being used in an ongoing investigation. We also know the confidential human source who provided this information is highly credible and trusted, has worked with the FBI for over a decade, and has been paid six figures."

“The allegations contained within this record track closely with the Oversight Committee’s investigation of the Biden family’s influence-peddling schemes. The Oversight Committee will continue to follow the facts and ensure accountability for the American people.”

How Comer Got the FBI to Cave

On Monday, both parties will receive a briefing from the FBI, after which they will form opposing opinions.

Comer stated that the FBI briefing demonstrated that the committee's investigation into alleged misconduct by the Bidens was on the right track and must be continued, while Raskin stated that it demonstrated that no further investigation was necessary.

Comer released the text of a resolution holding Wray in contempt of Congress on Wednesday, despite the FBI's insistence that it was cooperating entirely with the investigation of the House committee.

The Oversight meeting to discuss holding Wray in contempt of Congress has been canceled after the FBI agreed late Wednesday to provide the FD-1023 form to the committee. It was scheduled for Thursday at 9:00 a.m.

Since taking the majority in the House following the midterm elections, Comer and House Republicans have targeted Biden and his family. Comer indicated on Monday that the FBI briefing revealed patterns that imply Biden engaged in money laundering.

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