Miami Mayor endorses Donald Trump

 March 2, 2024

Francis Suarez, the mayor of Miami, Florida, has endorsed former President Donald Trump in this year's race for the U.S. presidency. 

Suarez did so Friday in a social media message that he posted to his X account.

Read on to see why this could end up being a huge win for Trump.

The endorsement

It appears that Suarez, in large part, decided to endorse Trump because he knows that, unlike President Joe Biden, Trump can and will secure the U.S.-Mexico border.

"After seeing both our current President and President Trump at the border, and having been there myself last week, it is evident to me that the only candidate that will keep our country safe, our border secured, reduce inflation, and can coherently lead our country forward is President Donald J. Trump," Suarez wrote.

The mayor, of course, was referring to the visits that both Trump and Biden made to the border this past week. Suffice it to say that Biden's trip did not go as planned, as he was hit with significant criticism for his mishandling of the border.

Suarez continued, "For those reasons, I am endorsing President Trump today."

He concluded, "I look forward to helping him campaign on his strong record and contrast it with the current administration's. I especially look forward to helping President Trump and the Republican Party win a larger share of Hispanic, young voters, and voters across our cities and urban centers."

Boosting Trump to victory

Miami has one of the most concentrated populations of Hispanic Americans in the country, and many believe that Suarez's endorsement of Trump could help Trump to win more votes from this demographic.

Fox News reports that recent polling shows that the Democrats are losing Hispanic voters.

Per the outlet, "Suarez's endorsement comes on the heels of polling showing the Democrat Party losing support from Hispanic voters, including in a Gallup poll released last month that found Republicans only trailing with the community by 12 points, the lowest since 2011."

The outlet goes on to cite another poll showing a similar result, namely Biden and the Democrats losing the support of Hispanic American voters. "According to a USA Today/Suffolk University poll released in January, Biden's support among Hispanic voters had fallen to 34% from 59%," Fox reports.

Stuff like this could make all the difference in the upcoming presidential election.

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Thomas Jefferson
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