Michelle Obama for president?

 January 12, 2024

Democrats want former First Lady Michelle Obama to be president. 

This is according to a new poll from The Center Square Voters' Voice.

The poll was conducted between Jan. 2 and Jan. 4, 2024. Over 2,500 Americans were surveyed, including "an even number of Republicans and Democrats along with 266 'true independents."

The margin of error is plus or minus two percentage points.

The big question

Here is the question that the pollster asked participants:

If you could wave a magic wand and make one of the following people president for the next four years, who would you choose?

The results, here, are limited to participants who identified as either being either a Democrat or as leaning toward being a Democrat.

The number one choice of these participants was Michelle Obama. She received 24%, which was a plurality.

President Joe Biden - the Democratic Party's current frontrunner for the 2024 presidential election - did come in second place with 20% of the vote. This puts him four percentage points behind Obama, which is more than the margin of error.

Third place went to U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Then, there were several individuals in the 7-9% range, including Vice President Kamala Harris, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, and "someone else."

Will it happen?

There has been much speculation about whether or not Michelle Obama might join the 2024 presidential race at the last moment and take Biden's spot. Part of this speculation stems from the fact that even Democratic voters seem to have their doubts about Biden going forward.

Obama has claimed that she has no intention to enter the race for the presidency in 2024. This, however, has not stopped the speculation. It has also not stopped the former first lady from opining on political matters.

Just the other day, Obama publicly claimed that the prospect of what could happen in the 2024 election keeps her up at night. During an appearance on Jay Shetty's On Purpose podcast, Obama said:

I am terrified about what could possibly happen, because our leaders matter. Who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit affects us in ways that sometimes I think people take for granted.

Obama added, "We cannot take this democracy for granted, and sometimes I worry that we do. Those are the things that keep me up."

This is what set off the latest speculation about whether Obama actually might take Biden's spot in the 2024 presidential election.

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