Michelle Obama 'terrified' by prospect of Trump winning in November

 January 9, 2024

According to a survey aggregate maintained by the website Real Clear Polling, President Joe Biden is trailing former President Donald Trump by 1.2 points.

That Trump could be reelected is weighing heavily on many Democrats, including former First Lady Michelle Obama. During a recent interview, she admitted to being "terrified by the prospect.

Former first lady "terrified about what could possibly happen" in November

Mediaite reported that Obama's comments came during Monday's episode of the podcast "On Purpose" with Jay Shetty.

When Shetty asked the former first lady what keeps her up at night, she responded by citing a number of concerns, including who will win this coming November.

"What’s going to happen in this next election? I am terrified about what could possibly happen. Because our leaders matter," Mrs. Obama declared.

"Who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit. It affects us in ways that, sometimes I think people take it for granted," she added.

Former president is getting concerned over Biden's bad poll numbers

Mediaite noted how Mrs. Obama's words came just days after a Wall Street Journal article stated that her husband is "worried" about Biden's campaign performance.

The Washington Post also pointed to three unnamed sources who told the paper that former President Barack Obama has offered to provide Biden with aides who previously worked on his two successful campaigns.

Meanwhile, the Washington Examiner reported that Obama helped Biden with a fundraiser last week which managed to raise $2.6 million.

What's more, Obama appeared in a campaign advertisement alongside Biden last week and asked supporters to make more financial contributions.

Conservative filmmaker says Mrs. Obama will make a White House run

Some observers have speculated that Biden will ultimately be replaced as the Democratic Party's nominee by Michelle Obama.

Among them is conservative filmmaker Joel Gilbert, who laid out the evidence behind his theory in a documentary released late last year called "Michelle Obama 2024: Her Real Life Story and Plan for Power."

"Michelle is highly political, and I’m convinced she’s been preparing to run for president for some years now," Gilbert told Blaze Media host Jason Whitlock in an interview earlier this month. He went on to insist that Mrs. Obama is a "better politician" than her husband.

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