Mike Johnson answers Merrick Garland impeachment questions

 July 19, 2024

Speaker of the House Mike Johnson just STUNNED America by talking about one of the topics that's on everyone's minds:

The possible impeachment of Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Americans are reading quite a bit into recent comments that Mike Johnson made about the possible impeachment of Garland, who some people consider one of the most corrupt men in politics.

Conduct worthy of impeachment?

Mike Johnson was asked straight-up if he thought that Donald Trump being elected in 2024 would result in Merrick Garland being impeached.

Mike Johnson did NOT say no. However, he didn't exactly give a resounding yes either, so people are more focused on the fact that he didn't shut the door on the idea of impeaching Garland.

"Not sure"

While Mike Johnson didn't come right out and say that Merrick Garland should be impeached, he at least admitted that he was aware of the long list of trouble Merrick Garland's gotten himself into throughout his career. Even if Johnson didn't come right out and say it, the implication was that Garland might not be able to be trusted in a position of power.

"Merrick Garland has been held in contempt, we filed a lawsuit against him in federal court to enforce the subpoena. He’s made a mess of the Department of Justice, they’ve weaponized the whole legal system in the minds of many American people and this is a very dangerous thing. So is he guilty of treason, high crimes and misdemeanors? I’m not sure, that’s a high burden," Speaker Johnson said.

"I don’t know, legally, politically, right now if impeachment is the right step," Johnson added.

Johnson has a lot on his plate

Mike Johnson certainly didn't obtain the position of Speaker of the House of Representatives by traditional means. The unlikely ousting of Kevin McCarthy opened the door for Mike Johnson, who provided a little update about how he's handling the pressures of the job he was practically thrust into.

Former Speaker Newt Gingrinch has even said in the past that Johnson was given the "most challenging speakership since the Civil War."

"People ask me all the time are you having fun as speaker — I mean, I’m a wartime speaker, in a real sense," Mike Johnson said. "With a larger majority and with unified government, I also believe it could be a time of unifying the country and it’s an exciting prospect to be a part of that movement, so that’s the motivation to keep going on this. It’s not an easy job."

Johnson then talked a little bit more about the things that might be closer to the top of the priority list than impeaching Merrick Garland:

"On the economic front, it’s about tax policy, it’s about dramatically reducing regulations on all of our industries, it’s about energy policy," Johnson said.

So Mike Johnson did not say that Garland would be impeached soon, but he also did not close the door on the future possibility. Conservatives in America will at least be happy to know that there's a small chance Merrick Garland could face justice down the road.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson