Mike Pence drops another 2024 presidential hint

 March 5, 2023

Former Vice President Mike Pence believes that he has an "advantage" over some of his potential 2024 competitors. 

Pence indicated as much in an exclusive interview that he did with Fox News Digital on Friday.

The "advantage" that Pence believes he has is name recognition.

"I think the advantage that we have is I think the American people know the Pences," Pence told Fox. "By and large they know our story and our career, and some are getting to know it better every day."

"We have time"

Pence has yet to announce his candidacy for the U.S. presidency in 2024. But, all signs would seem to suggest that it is only a matter of time before he does so.

In his interview with Fox, Pence - in speaking about his "advantage" - was responding to a question about when he was going to announce his candidacy. Specifically, he was asked whether he is worried that the "clock is ticking."

That is when Pence responded by saying that he is not worried because, unlike some of his potential 2024 competitors, his name is already known because he was vice president.

Accordingly, Pence said, "we think we have time to be discerning, to be reflective, to listen."

As for when he will make his 2024 decision, Pence pointed to the spring, saying that both he and his wife - former second lady Karen Pence - "both believe that we’ll have a clear sense of our call this spring."

Looking forward

As stated earlier, the signs seem to suggest that it is only a matter of time before Pence announces his 2024 candidacy.

In recent years, Pence, for example, has made a number of stops in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada, which are the first four primary states. And, it appears that Pence has several more trips and events planned in the near future.

Meanwhile, three individuals have entered the 2024 race from the Republican side: former President Donald Trump, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, and conservative entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy.

The field is likely to grow much more crowded. The other big name - besides Trump - is Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), who has also not announced his 2024 candidacy, although many expect him to do so considering that he appears to have positioned himself to do so.

If the current polling is to be believed, the only two Republicans who have a chance at winning the Republican nomination in 2024 are Trump and DeSantis. Pence significantly trails both in the polls.

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