MN Supreme Court drops challenge to remove Trump from ballot

 November 10, 2023

The Minnesota Supreme Court dropped a challenge to block former President Donald Trump from the primary ballot on Wednesday.

The court's Chief Justice Natalie Hudson noted that no other state has prohibited a candidate in Trump's situation.

The ruling

“There is no state statute that prohibits a major political party from placing on the presidential nomination primary ballot, or sending delegates to the national convention supporting, a candidate who is ineligible to hold office,” Hudson ruled.

"The court left open the possibility that plaintiffs could try again to knock Trump off the general election ballot in November. The Minnesota challenge was filed by the liberal group Free Speech For People, which said it will continue its campaign to end Trump’s presidential bid," the Associated Press added.

Battle set to continue

"Officials say the Minnesota challenge was filed by the liberal group Free Speech For People, which said it will continue its campaign to end Trump’s presidential bid," Fox News reported.

"The ruling is also the first from a series of lawsuits filed by Free Speech For People and a second liberal group that are seeking to use Section 3 to end Trump's candidacy in the Republican presidential primary," it continued.

Trump's response

"Trump has dismissed the efforts to remove him from state ballots as unconstitutional election interference," Trending Politics reported.

"Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung praised the ruling in a statement Wednesday, calling it 'further validation of the Trump Campaign’s consistent argument that the 14th Amendment ballot challenges are nothing more than strategic, un-Constitutional attempts to interfere with the election,'" according to the report.

The Minnesota case is in addition to efforts by other states like Michigan and Colorado seeking to block Trump from the 2024 ballot over the 14th Amendment.

So far, the cases have not gained traction among justices but just one state siding against Trump could create a domino effect.

In addition, removing Trump in even one state could have a tremendous impact on the outcome of the election, setting up controversy over the integrity of the presidential election next year.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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