Neighbor of Charlie Sheen arrested for allegedly assaulting actor

 December 24, 2023

Veteran actor Charlie Sheen is no stranger to legal problems, having been arrested multiple times throughout the course of his career.

Yet in an unexpected twist last week, Sheen's neighbor was the one getting arrested after an alleged assault by his neighbor. 

Neighbor faces multiple charges

According to the Washington Examiner, 47-year-old Electra Schrock was taken into custody this past Wednesday by deputies with the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

The deputies were responding to a report of a battery, and the incident ended with Sheen being looked at by paramedics although he was ultimately not hospitalized.

Meanwhile, a statement released by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department explained that Schrock is facing charges of assault with a deadly weapon, force likely to create bodily injury and burglary.

TMZ cited an unnamed law enforcement source as saying that Sheen opened the door when Schrock knocked on it, after which the woman forced her way into his house.

Neighbor allegedly showed an escalating pattern of behavior

Schrock is then said to have attempted to strangle Sheen and then proceeded to tear his shirt before fleeing back to her own home.

For his part, Sheen is reportedly confused as to what prompted Schrock to allegedly engage in the behavior, although he suspects her of having squirted a sticky liquid onto his car.

What's more, a source close to Sheen was quoted as telling TMZ that he saw the neighbor dumping trash on his lawn a day before the attack.

Sheen claims to have been sober for six years

While Sheen was long notorious for drug and alcohol use, the veteran actor recently spoke with People magazine about the positive changes he has made.

"Next month I'll be six years sober," he said in early December. "I have a very consistent lifestyle now. It's all about single dad stuff, and raising my 14-year-old twin boys Max and Bob."

"Now I wake up early, around 4:30 or 5 a.m., get an early jump on the news, work out, answer emails. Then I get the kids up and help them with their morning routine — if you can call it a routine," Sheen continued.

The Hollywood star explained that he gave up alcohol in 2017 after he was unable to drive one of his daughters to an appointment she had.

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