New evidence uncovered in Trump's classified documents case: Report

 April 3, 2023

As former President Donald Trump prepares to become the first ex-president in U.S. history to be indicted and arraigned, the federal-level witch hunt against him appears to be advancing to some degree. 

According to a Washington Post report, federal prosecutors may have uncovered new evidence in Trump's classified documents case. Forbes called it a new "legal hurdle" for the former president.

The report revealed that the feds might have uncovered evidence proving that Trump "obstructed" the investigation, which played out on television at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida, complete with FBI raid teams.

Trump has long denied any wrongdoing in the classified documents case, and points to the fact that he's allowed to declassify documents at will, unlike others who have taken classified documents, like then-Vice President Joe Biden.

What's going on?

The new "evidence" revolves around a subpoena Trump and his attorneys received last May regarding the classified documents.

The Post noted the same line it always uses, "people familiar with the investigation" claim that there's evidence Trump went through the classified docs in his possession and picked specific items he wanted to keep.

The outlet added:

The government’s evidence is reportedly based on statements from witnesses and security camera footage, and investigators have viewed text messages and email correspondences of a former Trump aide which have provided detailed accounts of day-to-day happenings at Mar-a-Lago during this key time, sources told the Post.

Sources reportedly also claimed Trump "directed others to mislead government officials about the documents before the subpoena was issued."

Jack Smith, the special counsel appointed by U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, is reportedly focused on the alleged "obstruction" aspect of the Mar-a-Lago documents case.

One of Trump's spokespeople told Forbes that the case has "​​no basis in facts or law," and described it as a "witch hunt."

Social media backlash

A long list of Trump's allies in both the media and in Congress have slammed the Justice Department for employing what many believe to be a clear double standard as far as the law is concerned, which seems to be based on one's political affiliation.

"First, it was the Steele Dossier. Then it was the Mueller probe. Then it was impeachment. Then it was classified documents. Now it’s his business records? They’ll never stop going after President Trump," Rep. Jim Jordan tweeted.

Only time will tell if the case goes anywhere, but given that everything the left has thrown at him so far has crashed and burned in a humiliating fashion, this will likely end up in the same flaming pile of garbage.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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