New Obama-era DoD memo suggests classified documents raid on Mar-a-Lago wasn't necessary

 May 24, 2024

It seems as if new twists and turns are popping up daily regarding the various legal cases involving former President Donald Trump. 

One major twist this week, according to Fox News, was an Obama-era Defense Department memo that could completely crush Special Counsel Jack Smith's classified documents case against Trump.

The memo, which was described as "never-before-seen," was unearthed by America Legal First (AFL) and seems to suggest that the pretext for the raid on Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate was not even remotely necessary.

To call the memo a bombshell would be an understatement if even half of what it revealed is true.

What's going on?

The AFL, a conservative legal group, released the Obama-era DoD memo "confirming the government may have already had originals of the alleged classified documents involved in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s sham prosecution against President Trump."

Fox News noted:

The document, titled Memorandum of Understanding Entered into by Presidential Information Technology Community Entities, is from 2015, and followed an October 2014 Russian breach of the Executive Office of the President’s network. Then-President Barack Obama took executive action to create the Presidential Information Technology Community (PITC) to better protect the executive branch from such attacks, according to AFL.

The AFL and others claim that the memo proves the Department of Defense has been "operating and maintaining the information resources and information systems provided to the President, Vice President, and Executive Office of the President."

In a nutshell, the memo strongly suggests that any of the classified documents contained at Trump's private residence were already somewhere in the DoD system, and there was literally no need for a raid on Trump's home, let alone a federal case.

The conservative legal group said in a press released that the government already had "a substantial amount, if not all, of President Trump’s classified documents."

Should this prove to be what many think it is, Smith and his prosecutors will have an impossible amount of explaining to do, along with the White House and President Joe Biden.

AFL's statement

The AFL, in a statement, pointed out that the law only protects those of a certain political party.

"What America First Legal has uncovered after months of investigative work paints an unfortunate picture of the rule of law in Washington," America First Legal Vice President Dan Epstein said.

He added, "A former President of the United States — the most democratically accountable officer under our Constitution — was subject to a politicized referral concocted by the Biden White House that led to an armed FBI raid of his home — where his wife and youngest child live — and is now subject to prosecution."

"And to now realize that the Biden Administration could have avoided an illegal referral process to recover records the government already possessed, that it could have used normal means to ensure that records the former president believed should be housed in his presidential library (not yet built because of the hordes of investigations aimed at silencing him) were subject to a temporary hold for purposes of Archives’ review — yet didn’t — speaks loudly to America: the law protects only those who follow the norms of one party."

Only time will tell if further action is taken as a result of the newly unearthed memo. It could be a game-changer.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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