New York Democrat accused of sexual harassment

 April 17, 2023

The Blaze reported this past weekend that a New York Democratic lawmaker has been accused of sexual harassment.  

The allegations were leveled against Assemblyman Patrick B. Burke in a complaint by his former legislative director Nicole Golias, who worked for the Erie County Democrat between September 2021 and May 2022.

Burke accused of making graphic remarks about his son's sex life

In a complaint filed last week, Golias recalled instances in which Burke would have lurid discussions about genitalia and describe his teenage son's sexual behavior with underage girls.

"Two other people with firsthand knowledge of Burke’s behavior in his district office also said they witnessed conversations in which the assemblyman used language they considered inappropriate and commented on women’s looks," The Buffalo News reported on Friday.

"Pat would do stuff that made us pretty uncomfortable with regularity," Golias was quoted as saying. She added that the lawmaker's behavior was frequently "vulgar, crass, and sexually explicit."

Examples included Burke describing how "he had viewed sexually explicit videos of his son and female partners on his son’s Snapchat account."

Lawmaker accused of not caring that girls were underage

Burke allegedly provided graphic details about the teenage girls, referring to the girls as "hot" and commenting on their breast size. According to Golias, she protested to Burke that the girls in question were minors.

Golias is not alone in accusing Burke of misconduct, as the New York Post reported that former director of community relations was Matthew T.H. Dearing was "very taken aback" by similar remarks.

"He said the girls in the videos were ‘hot and it didn’t matter that they were under aged [sic]," Dearing was quoted as saying in Golias' complaint.

Accusations concerning Burke are not just limited to sexual harassment, as the legislator is also said to have brought psychedelic mushrooms into the office.

Legislator denies claims

Other claims concern race, such as when Burke allegedly described "himself as a 'colonizer' because he had control and dominion over his wife because he is Caucasian and his wife is Puerto Rican."

Golias and Dearing maintained that remarks such as these were made out of a desire by Burke "to appear cool and attractive."

For his part, Burk issued a statement in which he dismissed the allegations made in Golias' complaint as being  "absurd" and "a lie."

"Ms. Golias' behavior was egregious during her brief tenure in my office, and it is an outrage that she would accuse me of the very behavior she not only participated in, but fostered," he said, adding, "She has twisted the truth and outright lied in the past, and she is doing it again for monetary gain."

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