New York Post editorial board says DA Alvin Bragg is on "Team Crime"

 May 14, 2023

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg moved last week to charge Marine Corps veteran Daniel Penny with manslaughter over the death of Jordan Neely, a homeless man with a long history of violence.

As far as the New York Post editorial board is concerned, the facts show Bragg's decision to prosecute is tainted by politics. 

Manslaughter charge follows violent protests

As evidence for that, they pointed to how the charge came following a series of public protests, some of which turned violent.

"We’ll never know if a grand jury would’ve indicted Daniel Penny in the death of Jordan Neely, because Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg decided to skip that step — clearly because a horde of lefty politicians and raging protesters demanded it," they wrote.

"In their place, he accepted the unconsidered judgment of progressives like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, City Councilwoman Tiffany Cabán and Public Advocate Jumaane Williams," the editors continued.

New York Post editors: Bragg is on "Team Crime"

"All the loudmouths braying for Penny’s head don’t give a damn about restoring public safety in New York City," they complained, adding, "And by jumping to work their will, Bragg again proved his loyalty to Team Crime."

Conservative author and podcast host Jesse Kelly recently expressed similar sentiments towards Bragg and other prosecutors backed by left-wing billionaire George Soros.

"George Soros DAs are not 'soft on crime' DAs," Kelly declared in one of a series of tweets last week. "They are tip-of-the-spear communist warriors out there to turn violent criminals loose and arrest their political opponents."

"They are there to purposely cause more murder, rape, and mayhem because a society in chaos is a society more apt to accept communist rule," the commentator asserted.

Ron DeSantis tweets out fundraiser for Penny

"They are there to track down and arrest anyone from Donald Trump to Daniel Penny. Anyone who might stand in the way of those goals," he went on to insist.

Meanwhile, Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis also voiced that perspective when he tweeted out a link to Penny's fundraiser.

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Thomas Jefferson
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