New York Times admits Trump was right about Harris

 September 15, 2024

The New York Times has now been forced to admit that former President Donald Trump was right about one of Vice President Kamala Harris's extremely controversial policy positions. 

The Times made the admission in an article in which it checked the facts of the recently held Trump-Harris presidential debate.

If you watched the debate or have been following the post-debate coverage, then you know that left-wing outlets have been relentlessly fact-checking just about every word that came out of Trump's mouth.

Harris, however, has mostly been given a pass - even though she told many egregious lies.

Trump's claim

One of the claims that Trump made during the debate that caused many on the left to cry foul is that Harris supports a policy that would take American taxpayers' money and give in to illegal immigrants for transgender operations.

The former president said:

She went out in Minnesota and wanted to let criminals that killed people, that burned down Minneapolis, she went out and raised money to get them out of jail. She did things that nobody would ever think of. Now she wants to do transgender operations on illegal aliens that are in prison. This is a radical left liberal that would do this.

Many left-leaning outlets immediately "fact-checked" this.

Some leftist commentators seemed to reason that the idea is too absurd to be true, therefore, it must be false.

They were right about one thing: the idea is absurd. They, however, were wrong about the veracity of the statement.

Times confesses

Many of these fact-checkers have been forced to admit that Trump was, in fact, right about this one.

The Times wrote:

[Harris] said she supported using taxpayer funds to give access to gender-affirming care to transgender and nonbinary people, including those in immigration detention and prison.

The Times was one of several outlets to make this admission.

Another was Time magazine. It was forced to publish a "correction," in which it wrote:

The original version of this story mischaracterized as false Donald Trump’s statement accusing Kamala Harris of supporting “transgender operations on illegal aliens in prison” As a presidential candidate in 2019, Harris filled out a questionnaire saying she supported taxpayer-funded gender transition treatment for detained immigrants.

If this sort of stuff does not reveal just how biased these outlets are against Trump and Republicans, then nothing will. It is not hyperbole to say that we no longer have news media. We have propaganda machines.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson