New York's Democratic mayor lashes out at Biden administration over border crisis

 May 3, 2023

New York City has long been a liberal stronghold, with four of its five boroughs voting for President Joe Biden in 2020.

However, the consequences of Biden's failed border policy recently caused Democratic Mayor Eric Adams to lash out. 

According to the Washington Examiner, Adams' comments were made during a press conference on Tuesday after a reporter asked if his recent complaints about illegal migrants stretching city resources could lead to an anti-immigrant climate.

Adams slams "irresponsibility of the White House"

"It is not about the asylum-seekers and migrants. All of us came from somewhere to pursue the American dream," Adams said in response.

"It’s not about the people who are pursuing the American dream. It’s the irresponsibility of those that are allowing them to come to a country and not build the infrastructure to allow them to pursue their dream," he insisted.

Adams was quick to blame "the irresponsibility of the Republican Party in Washington for refusing to do real immigration reform."

Yet in a surprising move, he went on to cite "the irresponsibility of the White House for not addressing this problem." Adams stressed that cities like his should not "bear the weight of the failure from Washington, D.C."

Political consultant says most Democrats won't criticize White House

The Examiner pointed out that the mayor's remarks echo a similar statement he made late last month, saying, "The national government has turned its back on New York City. Every service in this city is going to be impacted by the asylum-seeker crisis."

Hank Sheinkopf is a political consultant, and he told the New York Post that Adams' willingness to criticize the Biden administration likely won't be emulated by many of his counterparts.

"He’s trying to throw the weight off him onto the President, whom he’s criticized before, and it’s very unlikely that big city mayors or the federal officials want to join him," Sheinkopf said of Adams.

"They cannot criticize an incumbent president, which is what Adams has done this week. They’re thinking: You never come back from attacking the president of your own party," he stressed.

Texas governor defends sending migrants to Democrat cities

Fox News reported this week that outgoing Chicago Democratic Mayor Lori Lightfoot criticized Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott for sending migrants to her city.

For his part, Abbott shot back with a letter that read, "The ongoing border and humanitarian crisis that Texas and the entire United States are grappling with is a direct result of President Biden’s open-border policies."

"Under the previous administration, illegal immigration was at its lowest levels in decades. Now, President Biden is preparing to open the floodgates by ending Title 42 expulsions next week, and Texas is on the front lines of this catastrophe," he complained.

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