No Christmas stocking at White House again for Biden's ignored granddaughter Navy Joan

 December 2, 2023

President and first lady Joe and Jill Biden appear to have once again snubbed a member of the Biden family as part of their celebration of the Christmas holiday season.

For the third Christmas in a row, there is not a Christmas stocking hung above a fireplace mantle in the White House bearing the name of Navy Joan Roberts, the out-of-wedlock daughter of Hunter Biden, according to the Daily Signal.

This despite the Bidens having finally formally acknowledged the existence of the young granddaughter who lives in Arkansas after ignoring her since her birth in 2018, even though a paternity test years ago had proven that she was Hunter's progeny.

Once again, no apparent Christmas stocking for ignored grandchild

On Monday, first lady Jill unveiled the 2023 White House Christmas decorations and it was quickly noticed by some that, in contrast to previous years, there were no Christmas stockings bearing the names of Biden's grandchildren hanging from the mantle above the fireplace in the State Dining Room.

The New York Post observed that in both 2021 and 2022, there had been stockings hung to represent all of the president's grandchildren -- and even Biden's dog Commander, and cat Willow -- except for Navy Joan.

The inclusion of a Christmas stocking for the dog with a notorious reputation for attacking and biting Secret Service agents and other White House staffers while excluding the little girl who can't help the unmarried status of her parents was controversial, to say the least.

No stockings at White House because Bidens will spend Christmas at Camp David

When asked why no Christmas stockings at all had been hung from the State Dining Room mantle, as opposed to in years past, an unnamed White House spokesperson told the Post that the Biden family would be spending Christmas at the Camp David presidential retreat in Maryland and that the stockings representing the grandchildren and pets would be hung on a mantle there.

"How stupid do the Bidens think we are?" the Daily Signal's Katrina Trinko wrote. "The State Dining Room isn’t in the personal quarters of the White House. I highly doubt the Biden grandchildren were actually romping around there Christmas Day and pulling presents out of their fancy stockings. Putting their names on the stockings was about making a public statement, not a practical Christmas measure."

"Look, if the Bidens want to call my bluff, I’d welcome it. A photo of seven stockings at Camp David, with Navy’s name as prominently placed as her half-siblings’ and cousins’, would be a welcome sign that America’s first family had stopped snubbing a 5-year-old, just because she was conceived in less-than-ideal circumstances," she added. "But I’m not holding my breath."

Finally publicly acknowledged grandchild's existence earlier this year

The apparent continued snubbing of Navy Joan by her paternal grandparents is all the more confounding given the big deal that was made earlier this year when the president and first lady, for the first time, actually publicly acknowledged the existence and familial relation of the little girl.

In an exclusive statement provided to People magazine in July, President Biden said, "Our son Hunter and Navy’s mother, Lunden, are working together to foster a relationship that is in the best interests of their daughter, preserving her privacy as much as possible going forward."

"This is not a political issue, it’s a family matter. Jill and I only want what is best for all of our grandchildren, including Navy," the statement added.

Notably, that public statement only came after Hunter had settled a child support dispute with the girl's mother in June and seemed to also be in response to a surprisingly critical piece from The New York Times that chastised the president and first lady for ignoring the little girl for several years and only publicly acknowledging six of their seven grandchildren.

"Yet, again this Christmas, the Bidens are effectively bullying a small child, sending a clear public message that they’d rather ignore all their grandchildren than be forced to treat Navy the same," the Daily Signal's Trinko concluded. "Sadly, Santa can’t give Navy new paternal grandparents -- but hopefully, the little girl can be shielded a few years longer from recognizing the immense and petty cruelty of the ones she’s stuck with."

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