Dem NYC Mayor Adams claims city is 'being destroyed by the migrant crisis' caused by Biden's policies

 April 22, 2023

Republicans have consistently sounded the alarm about the negative consequences of President Joe Biden's lax border security and immigration policies that have led to an unprecedented illegal migration crisis, and now they have somewhat surprisingly been joined by a big city Democratic mayor who is otherwise generally allied with the president.

Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams asserted on Friday that his city is in the process of being "destroyed" by President Biden's "migrant crisis," Fox News reported.

The crux of his complaint is centered on claims that the city has been forced to spend an estimated $4.2 billion in unplanned assorted costs to care for and house tens of thousands of illegal migrants and asylum seekers who have flooded into the Big Apple over the past year.

NYC "being destroyed by the migrant crisis"

Breitbart reported that the stunning remarks from Mayor Adams came on Friday at the African American Mayors Association conference in Washington D.C. during a panel discussion with the black mayors of Chicago, Houston, and Los Angeles.

"The city is being destroyed by the migrant crisis," Adams said before shifting his attention to his own fellow NYC officials to add, "And none of my folks came to Washington, DC, to fight for the resources that’s going to undermine every agency in our city."

That followed remarks Adams made just two days earlier about Biden's migrant crisis when he accused the administration of abandoning the city after having caused "one of the largest humanitarian crises that this city has ever experienced."

"The national government has turned its back on New York City," he added at that time. "Every service in this city is going to be impacted by the asylum seeker crisis."

City has applied for FEMA aid to help pay for migrant crisis

The New York Post reported that Mayor Adams' remarks on Friday weren't entirely correct, at least insofar as his claim that "none of my folks" have been fighting for desperately needed resources, as NYC's Public Advocate Jumaane Williams had traveled to D.C. on Wednesday to formally request more federal financial aid.

Indeed, the city has already applied for approximately $654 million in aid from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, though a decision won't be made on that application until at least the end of May.

Meanwhile, per the city's Office of Management and Budget, at least $817 million had been spent in relation to the migrant crisis between July 2022 and March 2023. It is estimated that NYC has provided care for at least 56,000 migrants over the past year, and is currently housing at least 34,800 asylum seekers in 104 emergency shelters and eight Humanitarian Emergency Response and Relief Centers at city taxpayer's expense.

Estimated $4+ billion budgetary shortfall for NYC

The New York Post reported separately on Wednesday that Mayor Adams has also asserted that the migrant crisis has led the city to the precipice of a potential $4.3 billion budgetary shortfall, which is also due in part to Democratic New York Gov. Kathy Hochul's delayed budget proposal that includes a migrant crisis-related cost-sharing agreement.

The governor's proposal would involve the city, state, and federal governments equally splitting the costs associated with the migrant crisis, but Adams argued, "We’re not getting the third out of Washington! Let’s be clear on that. That third becomes two-thirds for New York City."

As such, the mayor asserted that the city would need to cut spending elsewhere in its budget to free up approximately $3 billion for the migrant crisis costs, which would then be added to other unexpected costs purportedly passed from the state to the city via a bailout of the Metropolitan Transporation Authority and lease payments for charter schools in the city.

In his remarks on Friday, the Post noted, Adams asserted that "If you removed the $4.2 billion dollars that have been dropped into my city because of a mismanaged asylum seeker issue, you [would have] probably witnessed one of the greatest fiscal turnarounds in the history of New York City."

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