Obama adviser admits 2024 election looks 'really scary' for Biden

 December 29, 2023

The Democratic party's doubts about Joe Biden continue to spill into the open, with a former Obama adviser calling the upcoming presidential election "really scary." 

Jennifer Palmieri told MSNBC that the current political terrain is looking cloudy for Biden.

Obama adviser tells all

Co-host Willie Geist asked Pamieri how she would feel “right now holding the hand that Joe Biden has, turning into an election year?”

“I would think, it’s super scary. The fate of the Republic is hanging in the balance, and there are polls that have Donald Trump leading right now," she said.

Palmieri tried to calm her audience by citing the possibility of lower interest rates in 2024. Biden has strained to convince voters that "Bidenomics" has improved their lives.

Palmieri also said Democrats can use the words of Republicans like Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie to argue that Trump is a "danger" to the country and its institutions.

Still, even as she recited the talking points Palmieri acknowledged fear of the unknown.

"But there is just this scary thing that overhangs everything about whether we’re just too divided. It’s just too late," she said.

"There’s too many silos. How am I going to reach all of the voters I need to reach given all the media silos that there are? I mean, that is what I would be churning on every day is just sort of the mechanics of getting that message out,” Palmieri added.

Dems freak out!

Biden's re-election has been thrown into doubt by widespread anger over the economy and concerns with his age. Recent polls show Biden losing to Donald Trump, despite the fact that Trump is facing four indictments.

In private, Biden is said to be consumed with self-pity and frustration over his poor approval ratings. Biden has sometimes vented his anger in public - he snapped at reporters days ago, telling them to start covering his economy "the right way."

The Biden anxiety has led to some public infighting - Senator John Fetterman (D-Pa.) used a vulgarity to tell James Carville, a veteran Democrat strategist, to stay quiet about his Biden concerns. None other than Barack Obama himself is said to be worried about Biden's odds.

For his part, Biden is no doubt too proud to step aside, even if he were asked to do so.

It looks like Democrats are stuck with Old Joe, barring any shocking developments.

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