Obama judge keeps Trump on ballot in Nevada

 January 11, 2024

A federal judge who was appointed by Barack Obama has tossed a frivolous lawsuit seeking to remove Donald Trump from the ballot in Nevada.

Judge Gloria Navarro ruled that the plaintiff, John Anthony Castro, had "manufactured standing."

Castro is running for president for the sole purpose of filing the lawsuit.

Obama judge vindicates Trump

The judge explained that to have standing, a plaintiff must show "actual or imminent injury" that "was caused by the defendant's challenged conduct."

Castro admitted in an interview with the Associated Press that he is only running against Trump in order to sue him. In other words, the alleged injury is made up.

"I'm not going to lie and pretend my candidacy is anything more than trying to enforce the United States Constitution, and that's what I'm here to do," Castro said.

Navarro noted that Castro has filed similar lawsuits in other states that have been rejected. The judge did not rule on the merits.

"In rejecting his political competitor standing argument, courts have found that Castro improperly manufactured his standing merely to file this lawsuit," Navarro wrote.

Plaintiff indicted

The Colorado Supreme Court opened Pandora's box in December with its unprecedented ruling that Trump is ineligible to be president under the 14th Amendment. An election official in Maine unilaterally reached the same conclusion.

The United States Supreme Court has agreed to review the unprecedented controversy.

Trump's campaign hailed the decision in Nevada as a win for democracy.

"Make no mistake, each and every one of these 'ballot-challenges' are blatant attempts to steal the election for Crooked Joe Biden and disenfranchise over 100 million American voters. President Trump is the leading candidate for not only the Republican primary, but the general election and his opponents are desperate," Trump spokesman Steve Cheung said.

In any case, Trump won't be on the primary ballot because Nevada's primary is not approved by the Republican party, which will award delegates through the state's traditional caucus instead.

In a twist, Castro was arrested Tuesday on federal tax charges.

"Castro would promise a significantly higher refund than taxpayers could receive from other preparers and on many occasions, offered to split the additional refund with taxpayers,” prosecutors said in court documents. “In order to achieve these larger refunds, Castro generated false deductions, that were not based in fact, and which were submitted without the taxpayer’s knowledge.”

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