Profile of Obamas' Martha's Vineyard waterfront estate prompts questions about hidden wealth

 January 3, 2024

Questions have been raised about the extravagant wealth and apparent hypocrisy of former President and first lady Barack and Michelle Obama concerning their expensive waterfront estate on Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts.

That includes queries about how the Obamas were able to amass their substantial fortune while ostensibly being public servants as well as how serious they are in their dire warnings about the purportedly devastating impact of climate change.

The Obamas' luxurious $11.75 million waterfront estate on Martha's Vineyard

On Tuesday, the Finurah website published a profile piece on the $11.75 million 30-acre waterfront estate on Martha's Vineyard that the Obamas purchased in 2019.

The sprawling mansion reportedly includes around 6,892 square feet of living space that, in addition to a large kitchen, dining room, family room, and living room, also features seven bedrooms, eight and a half bathrooms, and a two-car garage, not to mention several fireplaces and a large in-ground pool.

The massive property, which abuts the Great Edgartown Pond and has expansive views of the Atlantic Ocean, also features a barn, a private beachfront, and a boathouse with direct access to the pond, on top of other luxurious amenities.

Finurah pointed out that the Martha's Vineyard property is just one of several owned by the Obamas, who also maintain an $8.1 million home in Washington D.C. as well as expensive personal residences in Chicago and Hawaii.

How did the Obamas become so wealthy?

Business Insider reported in February on what was known of Barack and Michelle's estimated net worth and how they had accumulated such wealth after the former president left office in 2017.

When Obama first entered office in 2008, the couple was estimated to be worth around $1.3 million, but just 15 years later -- eight of those years spent as a public servant in two presidential terms -- that net worth is now estimated to be somewhere between $70 million and $135 million.

The outlet noted that the Obamas reportedly earned around $20.5 million between 2005 and 2016 which came from his six-figure salaries as a U.S. senator and then president, plus book royalties, income from investments, and Michelle's salary as an executive at the University of Chicago Hospital.

To be sure, the Obamas have both written multiple best-seller books and signed a $50 million production deal with Netflix in 2018, and both draw six-figure fees for speeches, while Barack continues to draw a six-figure pension for his prior government service.

Business Insider further pointed out that it has been estimated that, barring any substantial unforeseen changes to their financial situation, the Obamas could ultimately be worth more than $242 million once all is said and done.

So much for Obama's warnings about rising ocean levels from climate change

Aside from the questions about how the Obamas have managed to garner so much wealth in a relatively short period of time, questions have also been raised about their apparent hypocrisy in terms of their warnings about the dangers of climate change, given their expensive waterfront residences on Martha's Vineyard and Hawaii, according to the Washington Examiner.

The former president has often and repeatedly cautioned that human activity and fossil fuel usage will cause ocean levels to rise, yet they -- among many other prominent climate change alarmists -- apparently feel safe enough to invest millions in beachside properties that, if their warnings are correct, will soon be swamped and rendered worthless by rising sea levels.

Perhaps those grim tales of flooded cities, submerged beaches, and underwater resorts are true, and the Obamas feel wealthy enough to allow multi-million dollar investments be drowned -- or maybe it was all more hype than reality and selfishly intended to reduce the competition they may have faced in purchasing those extravagant waterfront estates that will remain dry and safely above sea level for years and decades to come.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
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