Observers divided over whether Michelle Obama can save Democrats in November

 February 27, 2024

President Joe Biden continues to struggle with an abysmal approval rating less than nine months before this year's general election.

This has led to speculation that former First Lady Michelle Obama could take his place, with observers split over whether it would save the Democratic Party or amount to a suicide mission.

Party rules would allow Biden to be replaced after summer convention

In an article published earlier this month, Real Clear Politics contributor Heather Higgins laid out what she believes is the most likely scenario under which Obama could become her party's presidential nominee.

"The switch could be done at the convention – but that requires 300 delegate signatures, and would open the door to a lot of politicking over several weeks by other potential candidates," Higgins pointed out.

She argued that this "would make '68 look like a picnic, and potentially put Michelle in the grubby position of seeking support just like everyone else."

However, the columnist then pointed to "Article Three, Section 1(c) of the Charter & Bylaws of the Democratic Party."

Democrats replaced their vice presidential candidate in 1972

It states, "The Democratic National Committee shall have general responsibility for the affairs of the Democratic Party between National Convention.

The rule goes on to explain that "[t]his responsibility shall include filling vacancies in the nominations for the office of President and Vice President."

As an example of historical precedent, Higgins pointed to how Missouri Democratic Sen. Thomas Eagleton was replaced as the Democrats' vice presidential candidate by Sargent Shriver in 1972.

According to Higgins, Obama would be "by far the hardest candidate for Trump to beat" given that "any criticism will elicit a chorus of 'racist!' and 'sexist!' accusations."

Karl Rove says belief that Michelle Obama will run for president is "pure lunacy"

However, not everyone shares Higgins' perspective, with one prominent skeptic being longtime Republican campaign strategist Karl Rove.

During an interview with Fox News host Stuart Varney three weeks ago, he derided the idea that Michelle Obama would run for president as being "pure lunacy."

"People would say, you know what? That’s Barack trying to get a third term as president, and they wouldn’t go for it," Rove told Varney.

Rove also pointed to Mrs. Obama's well-known aversion to politics, stating, "She didn’t want her husband to run for the state Senate. She didn’t want him to run for the presidency. She is not a political animal."

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