On President Biden's watch, nearly 5 million illegals and border crossers have entered US

 April 19, 2023

The illegal immigration crisis at the southern U.S. border has become an absolute danger to all Americans under President Joe Biden. Just the numbers alone make that argument. 

According to Breitbart, since becoming president, nearly five million illegal aliens and border hoppers have entered the United States, which exceeds the population of some 28 states combined.

The influx has wreaked havoc on smaller communities, especially near the border, that lack the resources to take care of even a fraction of that number.

The alarming data was presented this week by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI).

What's going on?

It was during a Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee that the Republican Wisconsin senator questioned Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Mayorkas was hammered on the border issue, as most Republicans, and reasonably thinking Americans, understand that he carries a large chunk of the blame for how the immigration crisis has been handled -- or mishandled -- so far.

"You are failing miserably… Do you not care? Do you not have just an ounce of human compassion?… You just sit there looking with a blank look on your face," Johnson told Mayorkas at one point. 

Breitbart noted:

Johnson said he calculated the total to be anywhere from four to five million border crossers and illegal aliens who entered the U.S. interior over the last two years — including those directly released by DHS, known got-aways, and unknown got-aways.

The Biden administration has been relentlessly, and justifiably torched by Republicans, and some Democrats, over its seeming lack of caring about what's happening on America's southern border, right before our eyes.

The numbers work out

While Johnson's number was an estimate that took multiple factors into mind, Center for Immigration Studies resident fellow Andrew Arthur came pretty close on his more conservative estimate.

Johnson believes at least 3.4 million have crossed over, not counting the likely high number of "got aways."

"That’s just 375,808 fewer people than live in Los Angeles, America’s second-largest city," Arthur said. "Add in the [unknown got-aways], and the migrant total likely exceeds LA’s population."

Sadly, the Biden administration has proven it hasn't cared about the issue from the start. It won't be until Americans elect a Republican president who's strong on the issue that any meaningful change will happen.

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