Oversight Chairman Comer seeks unredacted Biden emails in National Archives under pseudonyms about Ukraine, Hunter business dealings

 August 18, 2023

As part of its ongoing investigation into alleged corrupt Biden family foreign business dealings and influence-peddling, the Republican-led House Oversight Committee is asking the National Archives and Records Administration to turn over certain unredacted documents and emails from Joe Biden's vice presidency.

The committee is specifically seeking emails to or from or copied with then-Vice President Biden that involve Ukraine or Ukrainian energy firm Burisma; emails that include son Hunter Biden and certain business associates; and emails that include certain aliases and pseudonyms used by the former vice president, according to The Hill.

It is believed by the committee that documents and emails stored by NARA could contain evidence that directly contradicts and undermines President Biden's oft-repeated and fervent denials of any knowledge of or involvement in his son's dubious foreign business dealings and obvious influence-peddling.

Oversight Committee vs. NARA

"Joe Biden has stated there was ‘an absolute wall’ between his family’s foreign business schemes and his duties as Vice President, but evidence reveals that access was wide open for his family’s influence peddling," House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) said in a statement.

"We already have evidence of then-Vice President Biden speaking, dining, and having coffee with his son’s foreign business associates. We also know that Hunter Biden and his associates were informed of then-Vice President Biden’s official government duties in countries where they had a financial interest," the chairman added. "The National Archives must provide these unredacted records to further our investigation into the Biden family’s corruption."

Included along with the statement was a copy of a letter sent by Comer to the NARA archivist to request "unrestricted special access" under specific statutes to completely unredacted versions of certain documents and emails that the committee believes "contains information relevant to the Committee’s work."

The chairman referenced a particular tranche of documents and emails already published by NARA in redacted form that relate to "Email Messages To and/or From Vice President Biden and Hunter Biden related to Burisma and Ukraine."

Biden used multiple email accounts under different aliases

As an example of what the committee was looking for in the National Archives, Chairman Comer pointed to a May 2016 email that contained the then-vice president's daily schedule, which included a phone call with then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, that was addressed to a known pseudonym for then-VP Biden, "Robert L. Peters," and was copied to Hunter Biden.

In the letter, Comer set a deadline of August 31 for NARA to provide "complete, unredacted versions" of the aforementioned tranche of documents published pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, as well as any and all documents and emails that included any mention of Biden's several aliases, such as "Robert Peters," "Robin Ware," "JRB Ware," and others.

On top of that, he also asked for any and all documents and emails that included any mention of Hunter Biden and two of his closest former associates -- Eric Schwerin and Devon Archer -- along with all draft copies of a speech then-VP Biden delivered to Ukraine's legislature in December 2015.

Biden pseudonyms discovered years ago on Hunter's laptop

President Biden's use of aliases and pseudonyms on government email accounts that were used to conduct both office and personal business is actually not a new discovery, as evidence of such had been found on Hunter Biden's abandoned laptop years ago and was reported on by the New York Post in July 2021.

At that time, comparisons were drawn to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's scandalous use of a private email server to conduct government business, but even then there were inklings that Biden may have used the fake name email accounts to disguise his involvement in his son's foreign business dealings.

This is also not the first time that Republican lawmakers have contacted NARA with concerns about Biden's use of pseudonyms, as Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ron Johnson (R-WI) raised that and other issues in a January 2023 letter to NARA that demanded transparency in the wake of the discovery of classified documents stored at Biden's Delaware home and prior office space in Washington D.C.

If NARA complies with the requests of Oversight Chairman Comer and, belatedly, the two GOP senators, it seems entirely possible, if not even likely, that documented evidence definitively linking Joe Biden to his son's questionable international financial schemes through a fake name will be found hidden within the National Archives.

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