Palestine protesters crash Nikki Haley campaign event

 February 2, 2024

Far-left protesters crashed a Nikki Haley campaign event in her home state of South Carolina on Thursday.

The demonstrators chanted, "Free Palestine" and blasted Haley's support of Israel.

Haley campaign event crashed...

Haley is the last remaining challenger to President Trump in the Republican presidential primary.

The South Carolina primary on February 24 represents Haley's last chance at redemption after she fell far behind in Iowa and New Hampshire. Polls suggest that Haley is heading for a landslide loss in her home state, which she once led as governor.

At a campaign stop at a Columbia restaurant Thursday, Haley received a rude welcome from left-wing protesters demanding an end to the war in Gaza, where thousands have died in Israel's effort to wipe out Hamas.

The demonstrators called Haley the "puppet" of Israel's prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has vowed to keep fighting until Hamas is destroyed.

In response to the protesters, Haley's supporters started chanting "lock them up."

“Don’t ever get upset about people like that,” Haley told the crowd. “My husband and military men and women sacrifice every day for their rights."

Pro-Palestine protesters have become a familiar sight at political events. President Biden, in particular, has been regularly interrupted by leftists angry with his policy toward Israel.

At a church in South Carolina last month, President Biden told protesters that he was "quietly working" to push Israel "out" of Gaza.

Trump blasts "warmonger"

Haley has made no secret of her hawkish foreign policy views and militant support of Israel in particular, which she brought with her to the United Nations as an ambassador under President Trump.

But she has faced backlash from Republicans who embrace Trump's "America First" vision of staying out of foreign conflicts.

Haley was heckled by a Trump supporter at a different South Carolina event for her support of the "military-industrial complex."

“We know who your money comes from Nikki. We know!” the man said. “And we’re sick of the wars and we want America First.”

President Trump has labeled Haley a "warmonger."

"The fact is that Haley knows she doesn't have a cogent argument or even a coherent reason for why she should be President. But what voters do know is that she's a warmonger who would rather throw America into endless wars," Steven Cheung, Trump spokesperson, said.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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