Dem candidate Phillips slams Biden for effort to delay New Hampshire's traditional early primary election

 December 23, 2023

Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN), who is running for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, just called out President Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee for attempting to oust New Hampshire from its century-long "first in the nation" state primary election status, according to Fox News.

The critique, a rare frontal attack from the congenial congressman who has largely avoided any direct confrontation with the incumbent Democratic president, came by way of a new ad released this week by Phillips' campaign.

Calling out Biden's interference in New Hampshire primary date

In the one-minute campaign ad, a narrator said, "For over a century, New Hampshire has held the first-in-the-nation primary, and Granite Staters have faithfully carried out that grave responsibility, propelling the candidacies of some and ending the candidacies of others."

"Now, Joe Biden has ordered New Hampshire to step aside. That's not the New Hampshire way," the voiceover continued. "Congressman Dean Phillips is meeting with New Hampshire voters in diners, on street corners, and at taverns -- the way it's always been done."

The ad went on to lay out key parts of the Democratic candidate's policy agenda and concluded, "Dean Phillips -- father, businessman, congressman, Gold Star son -- a commonsense problem solver who can defeat Donald Trump."

DNC, with Biden's support, altered primary schedule for racial reasons

What that campaign ad for Rep. Phillips referenced was the admittedly race-based effort by President Biden and the DNC to alter the Democratic primary election schedule to demote predominately white early-voting states like New Hampshire and Iowa and replace them with states like South Carolina, Nevada, Michigan, and Georgia that have substantially larger populations of minority voters.

According to Politico, that schedule change was made official in a February DNC meeting that placed South Carolina first on the schedule on Feb. 3, followed by Nevada and New Hampshire on Feb. 6, Georgia one week later on Feb. 13, and Michigan two weeks later on Feb. 27 to round out the early slate that now excludes the Iowa caucus.

The controversial schedule change immediately sparked objections from New Hampshire due to a decades-old state law that requires the Granite State to hold its primary election no less than one week before any other state's election, but the DNC threatened to sanction New Hampshire -- including stripping the state of delegates to the nominating convention -- if the state refused to comply with the new schedule.

New Hampshire defies DNC, sticks with first-in-the-nation primary

Despite the threat of losing delegates and other possible punishments, New Hampshire held firm and refused to bow to the demands of President Biden and the DNC, according to CBS News, and proceeded to move its primary election up to Jan. 23 to maintain its legally required first-in-the-nation primary status.

The dispute between the DNC and New Hampshire has resulted in a rather rare occurrence in that incumbent President Biden did not file to appear on the New Hampshire primary ballot next year, providing an opportunity for Phillips or another candidate seeking the Democratic nomination to obtain a key early win that could upset the carefully managed narrative that Biden is unquestionably supported by Democratic voters everywhere to be the party's nominee.

In an effort to avoid such an outcome, however, Democrats have launched a massive campaign to convince Granite State voters to write in Biden's name so that he could still claim victory in the early election that will nonetheless be unrecognized by the DNC.

That attempt to benefit and protect Biden was denounced by Rep. Phillips as "bizarre" and "hypocritical" as he said in a statement, "I find it somewhat ironic that you disenfranchise a state and then ask for a write-in campaign."

In the end, despite President Biden's dismal job approval numbers, and regardless of how the New Hampshire primary turns out, Democratic primary polls show the deeply unpopular and elderly incumbent president stands poised to overwhelmingly win his party's nomination next year as he seeks a second term in office.

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