Police battle rioters as Israeli prime minister speaks before Congress

 July 25, 2024

This Wednesday saw Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu come to Capitol Hill where he delivered an address to Congress.

Netanyahu's presence drew the ire of angry mobs, with the Daily Mail reporting that police resorted to using tear gas.

American flags burned and replaced with Palestinian ones

"Part of the crowd has started to become violent at First Street and Constitution Avenue, NW," the Daily Mail quoted a Capitol Police statement as reading.

"The crowd failed to obey our order to move back from our police line. We are deploying pepper spray towards anyone trying to break the law and cross that line," the statement went on to add.

Widespread disorder also broke out at Union Station, where viral video footage showed rioters burning American flags and replacing them with Palestinian ones.

Fox News reported that a delegation of Republican lawmakers visited Union Station on Wednesday evening and replaced the flags which had been burned.

Netanyahu praised fraternity members who protected American flag

"We recognize that they flew Palestinian flags on these poles. It is outrageous. "They were pulled down thankfully," Speaker Mike Johnson was quoted as saying.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries also issued a statement, saying, "Defacing public property, desecrating the American flag, threatening Jews with violence and promoting terrorist groups like Hamas is not acceptable under any circumstance."

"There is a difference between lawful expression and disorderly conduct. Anyone who violates the law must be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law," he added.

The subject of flags came up during Netanyahu's speech, with the Israeli prime minister at one point praising a group of fraternity members at the University of North Carolina for defending an American flag from anti-Israel demonstrators.

Kamala Harris and other Democrats boycott Netanyahu's address

His address was also notable for being boycotted by many high-profile Democrats, among them Vice President Kamala Harris.

One Democrat who did show up was far-left Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who held up a sign denouncing Netanyahu as a war criminal.

The move brought condemnation from North Carolina Republican Sen. Thom Tillis. He complained in a social media post that "Rashida Tlaib continues to be an absolute disgrace."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson