Poll finds Biden is "underwater on nearly every descriptor"

 August 21, 2023

In what could be devastating for President Joe Biden, Just the News reported that a new poll found he is "underwater on nearly every descriptor offered to judge a president." 

Conducted by Noble Predictive Insights between July 31 to August 3 for The Center Square, concluded that 49% of voters say Biden is not a strong leader whereas just 36% believe he is.

Two-thirds say America is going in the wrong direction

Also of concern is that 66% said the nation is moving in the wrong direction and 54% disapprove of the way Biden has been handling his job.

What's more, only a minority reacted positively when asked if he is "trustworthy," "corrupt," "a strong leader" or "has the judgment to serve effectively as president."

Mike Noble is the founder of Noble Predictive Insights, and he noted that Biden's approval problems are widespread, saying, "With older voters, younger voters, he’s underwater."

Biden's approval "dropped like a rock" following Afghanistan withdrawal

"Same thing with males and females. He performs much worse with males. He is -22 with males and only -8 with females. That’s a huge gender difference," Noble pointed out.

"It’s crazy, when you look at the numbers for Biden, first six or seven months, he was fantastic. And right when the Afghanistan withdrawal happened, he dropped like a rock, and he never recovered," the pollster pointed out.

"Biden definitely has a bit of a perception issue. I think the trustworthy one, that’s the surprising one," Noble admitted.

"Historically, I think Joe Biden would have scored really high on that question, but I think due to the Hunter Biden issue … he is viewed more untrustworthy than trustworthy among the overall electorate which I think is a bit of an issue for him," Noble concluded.

Biden "virtually tied" with both Trump and DeSantis

Although the survey found that large numbers of voters are unimpressed with how Biden has operated, another Center Square Voters’ Voice Poll nevertheless predicted a close race next year.

Published last Thursday, it showed Biden as being "virtually tied" when respondents were asked to choose between him and either Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis or former President Donald Trump.

Trump was supported by 41% whereas Biden was backed by 44%. Another 15% of voters indicated that they remain undecided.

Meanwhile, DeSantis managed to garner 41% support to Biden’s 43%. That scenario 16% of participants said they could not make up their mind.

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