Poll shows Trump beating Biden in 5 of 6 swing states

 May 15, 2024

According to an aggregate maintained by the website Real Clear Polling, former President Donald Trump enjoys a 1.2% lead over President Joe Biden in the national popular vote.

Yet in what could be another sign of impending victory, a new survey has Trump beating Biden in almost every swing state. 

Trump ahead in five of six swing states

Published on Monday, the poll was carried out by The New York Times/Siena, and it shows the president trailing Trump in five states that he carried in 2020.

Biden trails his predecessor among registered voters by 12 points in Nevada, 10 points in Georgia, seven points in Michigan, seven points in Arizona, and three points in Pennsylvania.

The president is only ahead in Wisconsin, which he is ahead of Trump by just two points. When the focus shifted to likely voters, Trump was shown to lead in every state except Michigan.

Interestingly, the results did not change substantially when voters were given the choice to pick independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Joe Scarborough accuses The New York Times of favoring Trump

For its part, the Biden campaign responded to those results with a social media post featuring a video clip of MSNBC host Joe Scarborough.

In it, Scarborough could be seen accusing The New York Times and Siena of being "consistently slanted toward Donald Trump."

"The New York Times will release their poll, the political and media class will run around with their hair on fire, and then three days later polls will show a deadlocked race," Scarborough continued.

The cable television host concluded by asking, "Does anyone think Donald Trump is leading Nevada by double digits, seriously?"

Pollster disputes bias claim

However, author and ABC News editorial director of data analytics G. Elliot Morris pushed back with a post of his own, writing, "The first sentence of this tweet is not factually accurate."

"The NYT/Siena polls underestimated Trump in 2020, just like almost every other pollster, and had little to no average bias in 2018 and 2022," he added.

Meanwhile, Biden has announced that he is now willing to debate Trump, a move which conservative podcaster Ben Shapiro has attributed to desperation caused by bad poll numbers.

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