Poll shows Trump on track to win GOP nomination despite new charges

 June 12, 2023

Former President Donald Trump's legal problems got bigger last week after he was indicted last week on 37 criminal charges relating to his handling of classified documents.

Yet that hasn't dented his approval rating among Republicans, with a recent poll putting him on track to win the GOP's presidential nomination. 

Sixty-one percent want Trump to be the nominee

Commissioned by CBS News and carried out by YouGov between June 9 and 10, the survey shows that 61% of Republican voters want him as their nominee.

That puts him head and shoulders above his nearest competitor, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is favored by just 23%. Meanwhile, no other candidate managed to reach 5%.

The poll also found Republicans are largely untroubled by the allegations against Trump, with 76% saying his charges are politically motivated.

GOP voters would rather hear about future plans than the 2020 election

Sixty-one percent indicated that last week's indictment has not changed their view of Trump, while another 14% said their opinion of the former president had actually improved.

What's more, 80% believe that a criminal conviction should not prevent him from serving another term in the White House. Should Trump not be the nominee, 75% want to see someone they consider to be similar.

In terms of what Republican voters would like Trump to talk about, 96% say he should focus on his plans for the country.

Another 39% think he should discuss the charges he faces whereas just 32% want to hear about what happened during the 2020 election.

Ninety percent of Republican voters say it is "very important" that their party's nominee have a plan to tackle inflation and 78% said the same about having a plan to lower taxes. Twenty-nine percent and 26% consider it "very important" to confront abortion and transgenderism.

Poll contains worrying numbers for President Joe Biden

Meanwhile, the poll also asked questions of other voters, and the answers they gave may give President Joe Biden cause for concern.

Only 58% of Democrats believe Biden should even be in the race, a number which drops to 25% when the same question is asked of independents.

Among the 42% of Democratic voters who do not believe Biden should seek reelection, 44% expressed doubts about his ability to finish another term in office. Another 31% cited dissatisfaction over how he has performed on the job so far.

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