President Biden announces plans for radical, unconstitutional SCOTUS reform

 July 17, 2024

If it wasn't painfully obvious that President Joe Biden and his presidential campaign are desperate for support, the president's latest announcement should be enough proof. 

According to Mediaite, Biden just announced a push for radical reform of the U.S. Supreme Court as Democrats continue to whine and complain about the conservative majority makeup of the high court, mostly thanks to former President Donald Trump.

The Washington Post broke the story on Tuesday, indicating that Biden is prepping to endorse sweeping changes to the high court, including term limits and an "enforceable code of ethics."

Notably, Biden's call for reform comes in the wake of former President Trump's immunity ruling handed down by the high court, which triggered nothing less than an absolute meltdown across the Democratic Party.

What's going on?

WaPo's Tyler Pager and Michael Scherer added in the report that Biden is dialing in on the ability of the court to determine the immunity ruling for presidents.

"He is also weighing whether to call for a constitutional amendment to eliminate broad immunity for presidents and other constitutional officeholders, the people said, speaking on the condition of anonymity to discuss private deliberation," the two wrote.

Mediaite noted:

The move appears to be a direct response to the Supreme Court’s recent ruling in favor of former President Donald Trump. The court gave presidents and former presidents sweeping immunity for “official acts,” but largely left it to lower courts to determine exactly what constitutes an “official act.”

Many believe that Biden and his administration, knowing that the possibility of winning in November had dwindled significantly, are doing whatever they can to drum up support -- and votes.

Liberals have complained for years about the high court's conservative makeup, especially when rulings do not go their way.

Social media responds

Biden's thoughts on reforming the Supreme Court drew plenty of criticism across social media, with many pointing out that he lacks the power to push such profound and anti-constitutional changes.

"He’s panicking cuz he knows he won’t be re-elected," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "Biden, who spent 36 years in the Senate... suddenly wants term limits for Supreme Court Justices."

Many do not believe that he'll be successful in his efforts, and is only pushing it to stir up headlines and divert away from the fact that his campaign is failing.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson