President Trump and Elon Musk's Growing Alliance

 May 31, 2024

Elon Musk and Donald Trump have discussed the possibility of Musk serving as an advisor to the CEO of Tesla should the presumptive Republican nominee win the presidency. 

This is the latest indication that the previously cold relationship between the two individuals has begun to warm again, as the Wall Street Journal reported.

According to sources with knowledge of the discussions, the role has not been finalized and may not materialize. However, the two individuals deliberated on formal methods to provide Musk with input and influence over policies concerning the economy and border security, two topics that Musk has become increasingly vocal about.

More Possibilities

Some have claimed that Musk and billionaire investor Nelson Peltz have also briefed Trump on a strategy they have devised to invest in a data-driven initiative aimed at preventing voter fraud.

Trump was also apprised by Peltz and Musk of an already undisclosed influence campaign within elite circles, wherein Musk and his political allies convene conferences attended by influential business leaders nationwide, with the intention of dissuading them from endorsing the re-election campaign of President Biden.

Two years ago, Trump and Musk engaged in public invective exchanges. However, as the election approaches, the two men have developed a cordial rapport in recent months and speak on the phone several times per month, according to sources with knowledge of their discussions.

In addition to immigration, technology, and science, the two have deliberated on the United States Space Force. According to the sources, their interests and perspectives have become more congruent, as Musk called Trump directly on his mobile device.

Musk's Previous Comments

Musk, a billionaire, has been informed by Trump that he wishes to devise a strategy to increase Musk's involvement should he prevail in November.

Musk, an entrepreneur with a notorious propensity for disregarding business norms, has declared that he has no intention of contributing to a super PAC. Such PACs allow benefactors to contribute an unlimited amount of money and are a common way for billionaires to endorse political candidates.

Conversely, he has been elected on the basis of his influence in affluent business and technology circles to rally the support of influential allies in order to defeat Biden.

Musk is driven by concerns regarding the trajectory of the nation, as per an individual well-versed in his thought processes.

Musk has, among other things, railed against what he refers to as the "work minds virus," which conservatives accuse of sowing discord and encompasses liberal policies such as diversity, equality, and inclusion initiatives.

Trump's Response

The former president, for his part, has embraced the Tesla CEO's unexpected political turn and is impressed by Musk's wealth.

According to filings with the Federal Elections Commission, Musk has donated smaller sums to Democrats and Republicans in previous years and has stated that his politics are "fairly moderate."

His politics publicly shifted in May 2022, when he tweeted he would vote Republican because Democrats had "become the party of division & hate, so I can no longer support them."

Bryan Hughes, who is a spokesperson for the Trump campaign, said, "President Trump will be the only voice of what role an individual plays in his presidency."

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