Report: Garland identified as official accused of false testimony on Hunter Biden probe

 April 23, 2023

In the latest twist in the Hunter Biden saga, an IRS whistleblower came forward this week to allege that federal prosecutors have permitted “preferential treatment and politics” to stop charges from being filed against the first son, claims that contradict the testimony of a top official who has since been identified as Attorney General Merrick Garland, as Breitbart reports.

Garland, notably, has declined to name a special counsel in the ongoing tax probe of President Joe Biden's beleaguered son, which many argue would help ensure the investigation's independence from the administration's influence, and the whistleblower's revelations may show that the AG's wrongdoing in the matter has gone even further than that.

Whistleblower emerges

As Just the News reported, the prospective whistleblower's lawyer sent a letter to several tax-writing committee chairs and ranking members outlining the concerns to which his client is prepared to testify.

The individual at issue is described as a “career IRS Criminal Supervisory Special Agent who has been overseeing the ongoing and sensitive investigation of a high-profile, controversial subject since early 2020 and would like to make protected whistleblower disclosures to Congress.”

According to the lawyer, those disclosures “(1) contradict sworn testimony to Congress by a senior political appointee, (2) involve failure to mitigate clear conflicts of interest in the ultimate disposition of the case, and (3) detail examples of preferential treatment and politics improperly infecting decisions and protocols that would normally be followed by career law enforcement professionals in similar circumstances if the subject were not politically connected.”

Though the attorney did not explicitly reveal that the subject of the probe is indeed Hunter Biden, Just the News said it had independently confirmed that fact, and another source confirmed to the Daily Mail that the “senior political appointee” referenced as having provided the aforementioned congressional testimony is Garland.

Contradictions alleged

As Breitbart notes, Garland has testified to Congress on more than one occasion that Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss has had unfettered discretion and “full authority” to proceed as he sees fit in the Hunter Biden case without the permission or involvement of the Justice Department.

In April of 2022, Garland declared, “There will not be interference of any political or improper kind” in the probe of the president's son and that the decision belonged to Weiss and Weiss alone.

The prospective whistleblower, however, now suggests that he has evidence and corroborating witnesses to conclusively contradict what Garland said and to show that the investigation of Hunter Biden has in fact been plagued by political interference.

In the attorney's words, his client “is just a guy who likes his job as a law enforcement officer, as an investigator, and he takes it seriously, and he's dedicated,” adding, “[h]e's ready to be questioned about what he knows and what he experienced,” provided he receives the specific protections only Congress can afford.

Reactions mount

Amid news of the whistleblower's claims, the White House, for its part, has denied engaging in any “political interference” in the matter and has attempted to cast doubt on the allegations.

Administration spokesperson Ian Sams said last week, according to Fox News, “Since he took office and consistent with his campaign promise that he would restore the independence of the Justice Department when it comes to decision-making in criminal investigations, President Biden has made clear that this matter would be handled independently by the Justice Department, under the leadership of a U.S. Attorney appointed by former President Trump, free from any political interference by the White House.”

Less convinced, however, was former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, who wrote that while the whistleblower's accusations were certainly newsworthy, they were not terribly surprising. “It's simply making the obvious explicit. It's been clear for five years that there are slam-dunk charges that could be brought against Hunter Biden, yet no action has been taken,” McCarthy lamented.

He added that “the long-awaited though obvious answer” to the mystery of why the first son has not faced prosecution “comes from the IRS whistleblower,” but whether that is any indication that a reckoning on the issue will actually occur in the near future, only time will tell.

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