Report: Obama's political ambition ruined past romantic relationships

 December 17, 2023

Former President Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama are known as the Democratic Party's power couple, with some speculating that Mrs. Obama may make a presidential run next year.

However, one website recently noted that their marriage has succeeded despite Mr. Obama's political ambitions having ruined previous relationships. 

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In an article published on Saturday, The List recalled a Politico report from 2012 on how he constructed "composite characters" for his 1995 autobiography "Dreams from My Father."

"I was very sensitive in my book not to write about my girlfriends, partly out of respect for them," Obama was quoted as telling biographer David Maraniss.

One of them was referred to as a "New York girlfriend," a character who was actually based upon multiple girlfriends he had while living in both New York and Chicago.

A common theme was that Obama's desire to seek public office often interfered with his prospects of having a future with the women involved.

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The Washington Post reported that one of those women was Sheila Miyoshi Jager, who Obama at one point proposed marriage to.

"He became ... so very ambitious very suddenly," Jager was quoted as saying. "By 1987, about a year into our relationship, he already had his sights on becoming president."

"As much as I loved [Obama], I was relieved when our paths finally parted," Jager later said according to People magazine.

Meanwhile, The Guardian observed that Michelle Obama has admitted to having difficulties in her marriage, telling Revolt TV in 2022 that "there were 10 years where I couldn’t stand my husband. And guess when it happened? When those kids were little."

Ted Cruz says Democrats will "parachute" in Michelle Obama next year

"And for 10 years while we’re trying to build our careers and, you know, worrying about school and who’s doing what and what, I was like, ‘Ugh, this isn’t even. And guess what? Marriage isn’t 50/50 – ever, ever," Mrs. Obama insisted.

"Ten years – we’ve been married 30. I would take 10 bad years over 30 – it’s just how you look at it. And people give up … [saying], 'Five years – I can’t take it,'" she added.

While Mrs. Obama has denied having an interest in pursuing a political career of her own, that hasn't stopped some Republicans from warning that she may launch a primary challenge against President Joe Biden.

One of them is Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, who in September told listeners of his podcast "Verdict with Ted Cruz" that the Democratic establishment will "parachute" her in as a candidate.

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