Report: Pence told Jack Smith's team that Trump's lawyers had "un-American" ideas

 November 30, 2023

Former Vice President Mike Pence's star has fallen among Republicans in recent years, a fact which was demonstrated by his abysmal performance in the GOP's primary race.

Pence's popularity is unlikely to improve following a report that he spoke with Special Counsel Jack Smith's team about his old boss earlier this year. 

Pence: Trump's lawyers had "un-American" ideas

According to ABC News, Pence told investigators that former President Donald Trump chose to surround himself with "crank" attorneys following the 2020 election.

The network unnamed sources as saying the former vice president complained that those lawyers espoused "un-American" views and nearly brought about a "constitutional crisis."

What's more, the sources also maintain that Pence indicated he was "sure" of having explained to Trump that he had seen no evidence the election was stolen.

Vice president initially planned not to attend electoral count

However, the former vice president insisted that Trump was unmoved by such assurances and began acting "recklessly," something which culminated in the "tragic day" of January 6.

ABC News correspondent Jonathan Karl reported that Pence also told investigators that he at one point planned on not overseeing the electoral count.

"Not feeling like I should attend electoral count. Too many questions, too many doubts, too hurtful to my friend. Therefore I’m not going to participate in certification of election," Karl quoted him as saying.

However, Pence claimed to have later changed his mind on the matter after speaking with his son while on vacation in Colorado.

Smith sought information on Trump's Twitter followers

Earlier this year, Smith indicted Trump in Washington, D.C. on charges of conspiracy to defraud the United States; conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding; obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding; and conspiracy against rights.

The special counsel made headlines this week when it was revealed that he sent out a subpoena for information on Trump's Twitter followers.

Newsweek reported that the revelation sparked outrage, including from Missouri Republican Sen. Josh Hawley, who compared it to "something from Communist China."

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