Reports indicate multi-millions cost to taxpayers for frequent Biden vacations to Delaware

 October 3, 2023

President and first lady Joe and Jill Biden have frequently traveled from the White House to their Delaware homes in Wilmington and Rehoboth Beach, typically at great expense to local and federal taxpayers.

In fact, it was recently revealed that the Bidens' many trips to their Wilmington home since taking office have cost New Castle County more than $3 million alone just to cover the expenses of police protection and paramedics who are kept on standby in case of a medical emergency, according to USA Today.

That figure doesn't include the similar expenses incurred by Sussex County, where the Bidens' beachfront vacation home is located, nor does it factor in the exorbitant costs of travel via Air Force One or Marine One, not to mention the price tag for food, lodging, and travel for their Secret Service detail and numerous staffers and aides who accompany them.

Millions spent by Delaware taxpayers on police and paramedic services for Bidens' vacations

The police and paramedics costs incurred by New Castle County were recently revealed by Delaware Online, which found that the first couple had made at least 76 trips totaling at least 265 days to either home in Delaware since January 2021, with each trip lasting on average about 3-4 days.

Those police and medical services have totaled more than $3.27 million for the county thus far, and while those costs are essentially borne upfront by county and state taxpayers, they are usually at least partially reimbursed later by U.S. taxpayers via Federal Emergency Management Agency grants requested by Delaware's Criminal Justice Council following the conclusion of a fiscal year.

The 1945 website, which recently reported that President Biden has spent roughly 40% of his presidency on vacation thus far, took issue with the "insanity" of the Bidens' costly frequent visits back home.

It noted that the FEMA reimbursement grants could and should have been used to assist Americans dealing with disasters and emergencies and highlighted the irony of Delaware's Criminal Justice Council spending additional taxpayer money to figure out how much taxpayer money the Bidens' vacations have cost each year.

Millions spent by U.S. taxpayers on Bidens' air travel costs, Secret Service protection

Of course, the estimated amounts spent on police and paramedics by New Castle County is but a fraction of the total cost to taxpayers when Joe and Jill Biden frequently travel back and forth from Washington D.C. to Delaware for lengthy weekend vacations.

In November 2021, after less than a year in office, the New York Post reported that the Bidens had already made 25 trips to Delaware totaling 77 days that cost U.S. taxpayers an estimated $3 million just for their Secret Service protection to accompany them.

Fast-forward one year to November 2022, and Fox News reported that the number of Delaware trips for the president and first lady had increased to 57 visits spanning 185 days, and extrapolating out from the Post's estimates one year prior, figured that the Secret Service expenses alone at that time totaled more than $7 million.

That Fox News report was more focused on the taxpayer costs for the round-trip flights by Air Force One or the Marine One helicopter, which were estimated to be around $177,000 and up to $20,000 per hour, respectively, with the plane trips lasting around 30 minutes and the helicopter rides clocking in at around one hour each way.

Those transportation costs alone tally up to around $4 million at that time, bringing the combined total for Secret Service protection and air travel up to more than $11 million -- and that figure excludes ample additional costs incurred for local helicopter flights and motorcade excursions, to say nothing of the cost to taxpayers of necessary accommodations for the contingent of aides and staffers who follow the president and first lady everywhere they go.

Is Joe or Jill more to blame for frequency of vacations home?

It is difficult to determine which of the first couple is more responsible for the frequent and costly trips home seemingly every other weekend or so, the president or the first lady, but that likely doesn't really matter to the average taxpayer infuriated over the apparent squandering of likely tens of millions of their hard-earned dollars begrudgingly paid to the government through taxes that could and should be better spent on a multitude of far more important and pressing issues the nation is facing.

That said, the federal government has never really been known to spend taxpayer money efficiently, and so long as either the president or first lady -- or both -- insist upon returning to Delaware for nearly half of their tenure in the White House so far, U.S. taxpayers will continue to be forced to foot the mounting bills for their frequent vacations.

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