Republicans propose law that would bar Biden from speaking on Capitol Hill

 February 27, 2024

President Joe Biden is scheduled to address both Houses of Congress on March 7 for his annual State of the Union address.

However, some Republicans are now pushing a law that would prevent Biden from speaking on Capitol Hill if it were already in effect. 

Law would punish president for not submitting plans to Congress

Known as the Send Us Budget Materials & International Tactics In Time (SUBMIT) Act, the legislation is a protest against Biden's failure to send spending and national security plans to Congress.

Fox News noted that presidents are obligated under the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 to inform lawmakers of their budget requests by the first Monday in February.

What's more, the National Security Act of 1947 requires that a national security proposal be turned in on the same day. Biden has thus far failed to comply with either rule.

Under the SUBMIT Act's provisions, the House and Senate leadership would both be precluded from inviting a president to address a joint session of Congress if he or she has not complied with the two aforementioned statutes.

"He has no business delivering a State of the Union address"

The bill is being sponsored by Georgia Republican Rep. Buddy Carter, who told Fox News, "President Biden’s budget was due on Feb. 5, yet Congress has seen nothing."

"This is irresponsible. Until Congress receives the president’s national security strategy and budget, he has no business delivering a State of the Union address," Carter added.

Iowa Republican Sen. Joni Ernst has announced a Senate version of the bill, and she said it is a necessary tool for holding presidents accountable.

"If the president is going to be allowed the opportunity to address Congress and the entire nation, he should actually have a plan in place," Fox News quoted Ernst as saying.

Biden has been late for each of the past three years

"At a time when Americans are facing skyrocketing inflation and the world is on fire, we deserve more than just empty rhetoric," she insisted.

Fox News pointed out that this is far from Biden's first time in being tardy with Congress, as in the past three years his spending proposals have been 115, 49, and 31 days late respectively.

Americans for Prosperity that has not gone unnoticed by Americans for Prosperity senior fellow Kurt Couchman, who says the SUBMIT Act is "a smart way to add teeth" to legislative deadlines.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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