Republicans want Manhattan DA to testify on possible Trump indictment

 March 27, 2023

Fox News reported last week that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg is facing "major dissension" in his office regarding plans to indict former President Donald Trump over an alleged payoff to adult film star Stormy Daniels.

It appears that this isn't Bragg's only concern, however, as House Republicans are now demanding that he provide testimony on Capitol Hill. 

Comer: "This is not a local investigation"

According to Fox News, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer made that clear on Sunday during an interview with CNN host Jake Tapper.

"This is not a local investigation, this is a federal investigation," the Kentucky congressman was quoted as telling Tapper.

"He's investigating a presidential candidate, not to mention former president of the United States, for a federal election crime. That has no business being litigated in a local district attorney's office," Comer insisted.

"And when he says he's not going to cooperate with Congress, unfortunately for Mr. Bragg, he doesn't have the luxury of determining whether or not he can comply with congressional requests, because he crossed over two levels of government, from the local level to the federal level, to try to prosecute something that clearly if there was a reason for prosecution, it should be done by the Department of Justice," Comer went on to add.

Republicans "sick and tired of the meddling in federal elections"

"If Mr. Bragg wants to come in and explain to us what he’s doing, and he makes a good explanation, he makes a good argument, and we see that we’re in an area where we don’t belong, as some of the Republican senators say, then we’ll back off," the chairman said.

"But we’re sick and tired of the meddling in federal elections, and I don’t believe that Bragg would be doing this if Donald Trump were not running for president," Comer complained.

Fox News reported that House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan sent Bragg a letter last week calling on him to appear.

The letter, which Comer also signed, accused the Manhattan district attorney of engaging in "unprecedented abuse of prosecutorial authority."

Republicans accused of making "an unlawful incursion into New York’s sovereignty"

It went on to assert that Bragg's actions "will erode confidence in the evenhanded application of justice and unalterably interfere in the court of the 2024 presidential election."

Meanwhile, Bragg's office responded with a letter of its own which slammed Republicans for committing "an unlawful incursion into New York’s sovereignty."

"Nonetheless, to assist Congress in understanding the ways in which the DA’s Office has used federal funds, we are preparing and will submit a letter describing its use of federal funds," it stated.

Fox News noted that this led Republicans to send another letter saying that Bragg's willingness to provide information about the use of federal funds "does not satisfy our oversight requests or preclude the Committees from proceeding with them."

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