Rudy Giuliani loyalty to Donald Trump is strong, Rolling Stone says

 November 5, 2023

If there's one thing former President Donald Trump values, it's loyalty, and there's perhaps no ally that encompasses that trait the most than former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. 

Giuliani, once Trump's personal attorney, has reportedly indicated that no matter what, nothing will break his loyalty to Trump.

Trump has even reportedly joked that even facing the threat of solitary confinement, Giuliani is as loyal as they come, even with his own mountain of legal issues brewing.

Many of Trump's former allies and friends are different in the sense that they've likely struck deals to avoid serious trouble, and will likely have to turn on Trump at some point. But not Giuliani.

Even as he faces ruin

Giuliani faces an incredibly difficult journey ahead, legally and presumably personally, as he's bled dry with legal fees alone.

Rolling Stone wrote:

The pledge highlights both Giualini’s declared loyalty in the face of extreme legal jeopardy and the former president’s growing isolation among the circle of advisers who helped him try to overturn the 2020 election. As the Trump legal team games out which of his co-defendants are most likely to cooperate with prosecutors, Giuliani appears to be one of the few alleged co-conspirators whose loyalty is viewed as uniquely reliable.

Other former Trump lawyers and associates, like Sidney Powell -- once thought to be unbreakable in her loyalty to Trump -- have received sweetheart plea deals from Georgia prosecutor Fani Willis.

However, sources familiar with the situation have indicated that even if Giuliani wanted to turn, there are no such deals available -- at least at this time -- for him to consider.

Currently, Giuliani has not only been named as a co-conspirator in some of Trump's various indictments, but he's also facing several large civil lawsuits.

Law license at stake

One of Giuliani's greatest threats is the potential loss of his license to practice law in Washington D.C.

According to Reuters, his lawyers have recently "urged a disciplinary board in Washington, D.C., to reject a recommendation" that his license be stripped over his work in the aftermath of the 2020 election results.

His attorneys argued that he had "limited involvement" in such activities and should not be subject to losing his license.

Only time will tell if Giuliani stays loyal.


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