San Francisco mayor begs for help with open-air drug markets after defunding police

 April 4, 2023

San Francisco's far-left mayor, London Breed, is begging the feds to step in and help her deal with the city's self-inflicted drug epidemic after she defunded the police. 

Breed sent a letter to the new U.S. attorney for Northern California, Ismail Ramsey, groveling for help with open-air drug markets.

The city's under-staffed police force can't handle the issue alone, she said.

"While San Francisco is doing everything it can to address these public safety challenges, we are in the midst of an unprecedented police staffing shortage, and we need help from the Federal government," she said.

Lib mayor begs for help

Breed cited "public safety challenges" including "a fentanyl-driven overdose epidemic, open-air drug dealing, property crime in our residential and commercial neighborhoods, increasing gun violence," and "prejudice-fueled incidents," an apparent reference to violence against Asian-Americans.

She said she is most concerned with "increasingly aggressive" and "brazen" drug dealers who are making communities unsafe.

"Violence and shootings surround these brazen open-air drug dealing scenes. Sadly, this means that the people who live and work in these areas, including employees of the various federal buildings in and around the Tenderloin, are forced to endure unsafe and unhealthy conditions," she said.

The letter failed to mention that Breed was one of the liberal mayors who buckled to pressure from Black Lives Matter to slash police funding during the summer of 2020.

Change of heart

The city has lost 340 officers since 2019 and is still short 541 officers even after Breed began to pivot toward a "tough on crime" stance a little over a year ago.

About a third of the city's 1,500 remaining officers are eligible for retirement.

The leader of San Francisco's police union, Lt. Tracy McCray, blasted Breed for the change of heart during a broadcast of Fox News' America Newsroom. 

"Stop hating what you need. Obviously, no one else is going to go and deal with this problem but the police," he said. "You throw everything on us. So you know what? Stop criticizing us. Stop trying to break us down because… you need us to deal with it."

The city has continued to fire officers for refusing to comply with the COVID vaccine mandate, although it has long been established that the shot doesn't stop transmission.

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