San Francisco mayor has 'no plans' to support reparations request

 April 23, 2023

The mayor of San Francisco, California, just said that she has "no plans" to fulfill the San Francisco's African American Reparations Advisory Committee's request for $50 million to create an Office of Reparations. 

According to the San Francisco Standard, Mayor London Breed (D) made the remark at a board of supervisors meeting that was held on Tuesday.

At the meeting, Breed answered several questions about the reparations proposal that has been put forth for Black residents of San Francisco.

Before we get to specifically what Breed had to say at the meeting, some background is needed to put the remarks into context.


In some liberal cities across the United States, there has been a move toward providing reparations to Black residents. The reparations, apparently, would be for income disparity that proponents of the reparations claim come from slavery.

San Francisco is one of these cities entertaining the possibility of giving reparations to qualifying Black residents. In fact, the city has created an African American Reparations Advisory Committee to research the idea and put forth a plan.

The committee has already put forth a proposal.

The Hill reports:

San Francisco’s African American Reparations Advisory Committee presented the plan, which includes not only millions in payouts to eligible Black residents, but also an elimination of all personal debt, guaranteed annual incomes of at least $97,000 for 250 years, and homes for Black residents for just $1.

In addition, the committee wants the city to create an "Office of Reparations," and it wants the city to appropriate $50 million for the office - that's $50 million on top of the rest of the reparation proposal, which, at the very least, would cost hundreds of millions of dollars.

Breed's remarks

At the meeting, Breed answered several questions about the proposal.

The Standard reports:

Asked by Supervisor Shamann Walton whether she was committed to reparations, Breed first acknowledged members of the city's African American Reparations Advisory Committee for their work in the face of "outlandish behavior" in response to its proposal, which made national headlines.

From there, Breed, according to the Standard, went on to tout her own attempts to help the local Black community.

But, after finishing her tangent, Breed was asked a pointed question by Walton, namely, whether she would support the $50 million budget appropriation for the creation of an Office of Reparations. Breed's response was that she had "no plans" to do so.

What this means in terms of the potential reparations, themselves, remains unclear. Breed said that she "looks forward" to reviewing the committee's final report on the matter, and then, when she does so, she'll say whether she supports the actual reparations payments.

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