Schumer calls Supreme Court reform 'a very big priority' if Democrats win

 August 2, 2024

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's attempt to motivate his base to get to the polls this November through promises of drastic change could also be pushing Republicans out of their comfort zone as well.

Since both parties appear to have a decent chance of winning majorities in either (or both) houses of Congress, and the White House is also still a toss-up, Schumer took a big swing and promised that his chamber of Congress would shoot their shot at the judicial branch.

Both the executive branch and legislative branch have the possibility of swinging wildly from left to right, but the Supreme Court has a tendency to stay more stalwart, making major changes only upon the death or voluntary resignation of one of the highly vetted nine justices.

However, in a recent interview with NBC News, Schumer revealed that he has big plans for the Supreme Court and the federal judiciary if Democrats win the elections.

Schumer's Plans

In addition to preventing litigants from "shopping" for friendly judges and imposing ethical standards, the senate leader also promised to legislatively reverse its rulings on presidential immunity and abortion.

“It’s a very big priority,” Schumer, D-N.Y., said in an interview Thursday before the Senate left for a five-week summer recess. “I feel very strongly for the sake of the republic we need reform in the courts.”

According to Schumer, Republicans have developed a "brilliant but destructive" plan to persuade the courts to implement a "hard right" agenda that is not supported by the public.

"They spent three decades trying to take over the courts,” he said. “They’ve achieved it.” “They spent three decades trying to take over the courts,” he said. “They’ve achieved it.”

After the Election

According to Schumer, a wide variety of concepts are at stake if Democrats secure the White House and both chambers of Congress.

“The Supreme Court has become a morass, both ethically and substantively,” he said. “We’re going to look at everything. There are lots of proposals.”

He stated that Chief Justice John Roberts "is derelict in his responsibilities" and will not enforce standards himself, necessitating congressional intervention in Supreme Court ethics.

The proposals have no realistic chance of succeeding unless Democrats secure the trifecta. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, a member of the Judiciary Committee, responded with an emphatic "Hell no" when asked whether Republicans would consider any of them in the event that they were to win the Senate.

“Democrats have made the very cynical decision to try to destroy the Supreme Court and the federal judiciary,” Cruz said.

From the Executive

Vice President Kamala Harris, who is currently the Democratic presidential nominee, has expressed her support for term limits and ethics regulations this week.

She said there’s “a clear crisis of confidence facing the Supreme Court as its fairness has been called into question after numerous ethics scandals and decision after decision overturning long-standing precedent.”

Schumer has an imminent priority: the confirmation of additional judges before the new year. He had set a target of surpassing the 234 judges confirmed by former President Donald Trump within the next four years. President Joe Biden has thus far secured 205 justices.

“We are going to use the lame duck to confirm judges,” he said, referring to the post-election period until the new year. “And we’re going to do everything we can to get as many judges done as possible, trying to overcome the Republican obstruction.”

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson