Schumer plans to strip Trump of immunity following SCOTUS ruling

 July 13, 2024

America's Supreme Court recently made a huge ruling for President Donald Trump, and liberals around America are reacting in pretty much the exact way you'd expect:

They're having a meltdown instead of accepting how America's SUPREME COURT interprets our country's laws.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, a Democrat from New York, recently announced that he was going to draft legislation that would essentially remove Trump's protections that the Supreme Court just granted him. According to Fox News, Schumer said "his proposed bill will classify Trump’s actions related to challenging the results of the 2020 election 'unofficial,' thereby removing the immunity protections granted under a recent Supreme Court ruling."

The ruling

In early July 2024, America's Supreme Court decided that a president retains substantial immunity from prosecution for official acts committed in office. Schumer thinks he's going to get around the ruling by simply classifying Trump's actions as "unofficial."

"American democracy stands today at a perilous crossroads," Chuck Schumer claimed during recent remarks on the Senate floor.

Schumer then went on to compare Trump to one of the most infamous presidents in American history...

President Richard Nixon

"America's Supreme Court incorrectly declared that former President Donald Trump enjoys broad immunity from criminal prosecution for actions he took while in office," Schumer said. According to Fox, "Schumer went on to compare Trump to former President Richard Nixon, claiming the court agreed with the iconic defense Nixon gave journalist David Frost in 1977."

Schumer said "When the president does it, that means it’s not illegal. We were all taught in grade school that there are no kings here in America, but what the conservative justices have done is effectively place a crown on Donald Trump’s head."

It's an interesting take from Schumer. Not only is it incorrect, but it's pretty much the exact opposite of what at least one other prominent New York Democrat is saying.

Former Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Perhaps Cuomo is just trying to save his own disgraced political career, but he's actually come out in defense of Trump. Cuomo says that the case against Donald Trump in New York never would have been brought against him if he wasn't running for the presidency in 2024.

"If his name was not Donald Trump and if he wasn’t running for president... that case would’ve never been brought," Cuomo recently said.

So the Supreme Court is saying that Trump should enjoy some protections, and even Andrew Cuomo (the case's state's former governor) says that the case shouldn't have been brought against Donald Trump. Basically, the only people who think Trump should be held responsible for these guilty convictions are the people who stand to benefit from Trump's elimination!

American politics has turned into a cesspool of power grabs and revenge. Unfortunately, it's not the politicians participating in these games that are being hurt by them, it's the average American voter.

Let's speak with our ballots this November and restore some order to this once-great country.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson